Chapter 18

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He was staring at me like he was uncertain how I would respond if he continued. Do me being me pushed a little.

"Is this going to take all night Mr Kingsley?"

"Pushy and impatient as ever are we ms..."

"That doesn't matter just continue" Why would he do that he knows what last name I have been using.

"Okay, okay. So I have a twin brother"

Wait what did he just say that he has a twin brother. But how I never knew that. We have known each other for years and I never knew that. But that answers one question. His constant disappearance during our marriage. But what has that have to do with him still being married that is even stranger. I mean I know everyone I loved looked for I also know his family never looked for me. Still think they were happy that I disappeared. But when did he remarry and how can he declare his love to me and be married. Only strange thing is there was no mention of him getting married in the tabloids and my mother also didn't mention anything. I am so confused. Who could he be married to?

"You Liz it's you Liz" Huh what did he mean by me. Did i zone out again.

"Yes you did zone out a bit and I actually answered your question" He smirked saying that. Bastard!

"What question I didn't ask you anything" Oh no don't tell me i said that last part out loud

"I am still married to you my dear wife!" When he said that there was a huge grin on his face. And all I could do was stare at him with my mouth hanging open. I mean I did sign the papers right. I remember signing the papers before I left. How. No wait he was going to get married to Catherine. God I am so confused.

" Liz let me explain I can see the wheels turning in that little head of yours" He knew me so well.

"Those pictures you got that was from my twin I have the same. I still don't know what happend that he isn't part of the family. But I will get my answer some day. As for me and you being married. Well you see after you signed I was shocked. I never thought you would give up on us so easily. But I soon put two and two together and realised you did your own investigation. Well the months before you left I hope you would have continued with your investigation so that you would realise that I was always faithful I never considered that you thought I left for someone else. But the day you walked into my office and we bargained about the house I knew you still loved me but I couldn't get you to se that I still wanted only you." I just listened what could I say. He had it all figured out to the sound of it.

"When we settled I thought I would still find you in the house but when I got there it was empty. You were gone. I started looking for you immediately but couldn't find you so I postponed our divorce papers even more. Hoping that if you did remarry I would know because foe you to remarry you have to have a copy of the divorce certificate. And with me not finalising the paper work you would've had to contact me eventually. But that also never happend." I saw a tear run down his cheek. "I thought you passed that is why I would've married Catherine. And she knew that. She knew it would have been a loveless marriage but she needed money. So it was a win win for the both of us." He looked me in my eyes and said.

"I waited for you Liz I didn't touch another woman not even Catherin. I would've touch her on our wedding night but now,now I don't have to. I didn't ever want any other woman beside you Liz. You were the one for me and still is......" He trails off and kept quite. He didn't sleep with any other woman in all this time. But why am I shocked I also didn't sleep with any men.

I looked at my soul mate and he looked torn the story he told was deep and heart breaking. So slowly I got up from my chair. Dilton watching my every move as I slowly made my way towards him. I was shy and scared but I love this man and he loves me. When I reached him I took his face between my hands and tilted his head towards me.

"And nor have I slept with any person since I have last been with you. And you have always been the one for me and always will be." As I said that tears rolled over my face. This is a day I dreamed of. I bent my head down so that our foreheads touch and our noses rubs each other. Hesitantly I brushed my lips against his.

His lips felt so good it dint take long for the small kiss to turn into a passionate kiss. Before I keen it Dilton had me in his arms kissing he dear live out of me. He pulled my legs up and wrapped it around his waist. That made me feel his hardness oh how I missed that little mister pressing against me.

We never did break the kiss. But soon I felt something soft against my back and Dilton pressing his whole body against me.

"I love Liz I always will. Please take me to be you husband again and make me yours." I looked at him and responded by kissing him so hard that I think his mind exploded. Reaching for his shirt and pulling on it he helped me to take it of.

"Are you sure lizzy I don't mind waiting." I just nodded. How I wanted this man between my thighs.

Our love was interupted and who was I to be more of an interruption.

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