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As we walked out of our first venue I felt my breath hitch. "Hey you okay?" Jack stared at me for a moment. "I'm fine. I'm just a little stressed about our wedding." "Our wedding?" He crooked his neck and laughed. My checks began heating up and I felt like all the blood was being flushed out of my body. "I um... I meant that..." "Hey it's okay! It happens to the best of us." I faked a laugh and crawled into the car. Gosh I'm such an idiot!

As we got situated in the car we both fell silent, but it was a comfortable silence. "Hey, I know we just met but I would like to take you out to dinner. I mean... We are going to be working together so let's....get to know each other,and stuff..." He was nervous, I could tell by the way he wouldn't look at me and kept tightening his grasp on the wheel. It was cute. "Sure, why not?" I answered as I tried looking him in the eye. He just figitated  around the chair and kept his eyes on the road.

"I'll text you." He said as he drove up to my apartment. "Yeah okay!" I said as I walked out of the car. I was on cloud 9 as I waved good bye to him. But just as I turned my key into the door I heard a loud shriek. As fast as I could I dashed into Sarah's room.  As the door flung open I saw Sarah collapse onto the floor in tears. I quickly dashed over to catch my best friend. "Did Troy break up with you again?" "Yes..Meg...yes!!!!!" She managed to say between sobs. "What did I tell you about him? He doesn't care about you, he's just using you." She sobbed even louder as I held onto her shaking body and quietly comforted her, like I've had to do every 1 month for the last year and a half. You would think a girl who has a bachelors degree in psychology would be smart enough to know what's good for her.

Sarah has been my best friend since psychology college, we were roommates. But after about a year I realized my true passion was wedding planning, so I switched colleges. It's kind of amazing that Sarah moved out here to Texas for her job the same month I went apartment shopping. We coincidently met at a coffee shop and then decided to move in together. Kind of an amazing turn of fate.

I looked at Sarah and studied her carefully. Her straight blonde hair was curling up at the ends, a clear sign she wasn't crying anymore. I lightly combed my fingers through her hair which was now a weird crispy dry texture from her dried up tears. We didn't speak for a while as she just stared blankly at the white wall as I tried to straighten her out, she had a meeting in an hour and at this pace she was definitely going to need some help. Buzzzzzzzzz,my phone light flickered on as I picked it up. A text from Jack , "Hey Meghan! 8:30 okay?" I quickly texted back a yes and shut my phone off. I looked over to a now very nosy Sarah. But knowing her she wouldn't be able to have a proper conversation till later. Instead she hopped up gave me a signal meaning 'we need to talk later' and rushed into the bathroom. I laughed as I made my way into my bedroom to get ready for my date! I mean business meeting..... Nah I mean date!

Always the Bridesmaid, Never the BrideWhere stories live. Discover now