Wedding Planning

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Was I really going through with this? Wedding planning for my Ex-boyfriend! Is that strange to anyone other than me?

I made my way into the office and set up my desk. Did some routine things like pulling out folders and other things to make sure I was ready for one very important client. It had been about a week since I talked to Jack over the phone and of course he was still working on the baby stuff and he hadn't done the 2nd DNA sample yet. Natalie is apparently a very protective mother, so he couldn't sneak the baby past her.

Knock Knock.

"Come in!"

"Hey Meg! Nice to see you." Jack beamed, following closely behind him was Natalie who was carrying around their extremely young baby Emerald in her arms.

"Hello Megan it's nice to see you've upped your style since I last saw you, you must have taken notes after meeting mwah." I stared at her first in annoyance but then in awe, she basically lost all her baby fat! How? It's been like a week and she's already back to her skinny self.

"Oh Natalie you haven't changed at all!" I said with a smile.

"Why would I? I couldn't be any better. " Wow. This woman was definitely full of herself, but I kept my mouth shut and dove into business.

"Okay so why don't we begin with a color scheme?"

"I'd like it to be pink and purple." Natalie chirped.

"Uhh..." Jack started.

"Fine pink and white."

"Does it have to be pink at all?" Natalie stared at him with the who-even-are-you look.

"Yes,it's my wedding too." Natalie said, Jack sighed but he soon agreed to Pink and White.


"So it looks like we have planned a lot, I think this is a great start! When can we meet again?" I asked trying to wrap our meeting up because I had a client at 3 and it was already 2:50.

"Sunday."  Natalie said.

"Sunday? Why don't we uh..chose something later. We are so close to finishing up planning and I want to savor it." He was making a excuse for the DNA test.

"But babe, I want her to finish planning already! I can't wait to get married. Just imagine our honeymoon!" She winked at him.

"Please Nats?"

"Fine,next week is good."


I called Jack up at the very end of the day to go over the plan with him.

"Hey Jack!"

"What's the plan?"

"Before next week we need to get the DNA sample."

" about today?"

"How are you going to sneak it past her today?"

"Well...she said she wanted to go to the spa to ease her stress about the wedding." I rolled my eyes at that, what type of stress could she have? I'm the wedding planner.

"Sounds great." I said quickly.

"You're coming with me right?"


"You're the best Meg."

"I know." I said while slightly blushing.

I walked into Natalie's house and was greeted at the door by Jack. I looked around the drive way,no sign off her car. She must've left, Jack brought me into a warm embrace and as I entered the house my mouth was wide open. SO MUCH PINK! Is this Jacks new house or is it Elle Woods?

"I know it's really pink but, it was her house."

"No it's beautiful." I really did mean it, it might've been muy (very) pink but it was so pretty. The decor, the white leather couch. Everything was perfectly girly.

"Shall we go?" He asked after a moment. I nodded and he went to get Emerald from her nursery.

The test was finally over, I was holding on tightly to Jacks hand as we awaited the results. A doctor made his way into the room, he smiled at me and then at Jack.

"I'm taking that you want to know the results now." Jack and I both nodded in unison.
"I don't know how to say this, we lost the blood..."

"Can't you just take some more?"Jack asked.

"Thats a lot of blood to take from a baby sir."


"But bring her back anytime after today and we'll do it again. For free."
I walked out the door with Jack, we both were annoyed that we weren't getting the results but either way Jack wasn't allowing any more blood to be drawn. It was sweet how he cared for the baby although he didn't know if it was his.

"Megan, could you come with me tomorrow?"

"Sure! But what about Natalie?" I said remembering that she's still in the picture.

"I have some massage coupons..." He said with a devious smile.

Thump thump.

My heart was beating wildly from inside my chest, we were waiting for the results.
Hopefully we actually get them this time...I thought to myself.

Knock knock.

"Come in." Jack said whilst grabbing my arm. I squeezed his arm back.

"The results are in,Jack is not the father of Natalie's baby. But a man named Troy is."
I screeched with joy as I hugged Jack tightly. He looked mad, I wondered why.

"Who did you say the father was?"

"Well one of our patients Troy."

"You have his blood sample?"

"We have files on all of our patients.It didn't take long to find the father." The doctor responded. "Ill leave you two alone." He said after handing us the file.

Emerald Brewer- Child of Natalie Green and Troy Bradfordson. 

"So it's finally official!" I screamed. He hugged me tightly but unlike the other times before the hug made me feel absolutely nothing. It wasn't tingly or quickened my heart beat it just made me feel awkward. Luckily he finally let go a little upset.

"I can't believe she did that to me. I guess you were right she was only using me. But why?"

"Maybe she wanted to get back together with you and ditch Troy. She probably wanted you to be the father, not him."

"That's low. Even for her." I looked him deep I the eyes, never have I seen so much hatred in anyone's eyes.

"You don't mean that."

"I do."

"Who are you Jack Brewer? You're definitely not the man I fell in love with." The more I thought about the more accurate I realized it was, he was different now. He was meaner, he didn't seem to want to be with me anymore. He didn't seem to care about us, I don't know what happened.

"Megan!" Jack yelled as i walked out of the room. I ran to my car knowing that he would follow me, I turned on the car and quickly sped away. I never looking  back.

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