What are We?

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I woke up the next morning to see Sarah sitting on the floor in disbelief. 'Oh gosh' I thought to myself, he's going to try and get back together with her. She stared blankly at the wall listening carefully to the person on the other end. I waited at the end of the room for her to yell yes.

"No." Was All she said and then she hung up. Sarah turned to face me a huge smile on her face. "I did it!" I rushed over to hug her, she finally figured it out! But how? How so soon did she realize that he was no good for her. I was positive she would just fall back into their cycle of getting back together.

"Sarah what made you do that?" I asked her quickly while letting go of her hug.

"I found out what true love really is, and I realized I deserved it."

"Oh finally my words sank in that little head of yours!" I laughed. But Sarah just looked at me confused.

"Not your words. You and Jack. You are so perfect for each other and he loves you and you love him. I want that. Correction I deserve that."

My eyebrows began to wrinkle as I was far too confused."We went on 1 date. How could we love each other?"

"I don't know but I want that. I deserve more than a guy who doesn't love me." She finished and then she left the room to get ready. I was proud of what she was saying but I just didn't understand. How could she know that I loved him before I did? Wait I love him? I guess I do...

All the questions that a girl could possibly have, ran through my mind as I rushed to get ready for work. This morning I was wearing a navy blue blazer and a matching skirt with black flats. My hair was in a bun since I didn't have time to shower the night before. I looked smart, I felt smart in this outfit. (Weird I know but I did. )I grabbed a granola bar and dashed out the front door.

Once I got to work, I scanned the office for Jack. We needed to get started on the Brickston wedding. Moments after contacting the family, Jack finally came in. "Ready to go meet the family?" I asked him. "WHAT?" He said panicked. It took me a moment to realize why he was so jumpy.
"Not my family, hahaha. The Brickstons." I said chocking it out between laughs.
"Ah. Of course." He said his checks turning a slight pink. He looked super cute like that.I punched his shoulder playfully and out of the office we went.

This time we took my car and as I was driving I couldn't stop turning back to look at him and his chiseled perfect features. "Just saying, I'd be fine with meeting your parents...It was just uh....short notice..."
"MHmmm.... "I hummed. "No seriously!!" He said as I laughed again.

"You have a cute laugh." He said simply. I blushed, to hide my face I focused on the road pretending that his words had no affect.

"So...um what are we....?" I asked after a few silent moments. "What are we? Um...I thought we were partners..." He said confused. Am I being friend zoned right now? Oh gosh I should have seen this coming. Why would I guy like him even like me? How did I even think it was possible? I'm such a fool.

"I'm just kidding. Well sorta....we are job partners...but I would love to be more."
What? WHAT?Are my ears deceiving me? This can not be happening! Of course I would love to be more! I mean it's not everyday and adorable smart man falls in love with me. (Surprising, I know.😂)

"So would I. So are we a couple now?" I said trying to keep my cool. "I guess so." He said smiling. I smiled back as we pulled into the Brickstons house.

As we made it out of the car I felt Jacks arm go around my waist as he pulled me close. I held onto his other hand and pinched myself with my left hand. This was too perfect of a day, I had to be dreaming.

Well how'd you like it? Cheesy I know, but hey I love Cheesy.

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