Chapter 6

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The past few days have been quite normal. Except for the fact that I have two wolves constantly outside my house for "protection".

Now don't get me wrong, its gives me a lot of peace of mind that my child is safe, but I absolutely HATE the fact that Ryder is the person giving me this security.

Speaking of the idiot, Ryder surprisingly hasn't tried to contact me since he gave me the flowers and Carter the toys. I mean, I'm sure the two meatheads outside have been telling him when I leave the house and anything else that invades my right to privacy, but he hasn't come around. It's putting me on edge.

But I couldn't care less about that right now. Since today is Saturday and I didn't have work today, I decided it was a good day for Mommy-Carter moments. I don't get a lot of alone time with him anymore since I have to work all the time and he's going to preschool.

Talking one last sip of my coffee, I put my mug on the counter and head up to Carter's room to wake him up for the day.

"Good Morning Baby, time to wake up." I say, sitting on his bed and rubbing his back.

"No Momma, I don't want to wake up today" he replies, rolling over on his tummy.

I smirk and do a fake sigh, "welp, I guess I'm going to have to go to the zoo all by myself today...." I drag on.

He sits up immediately, "The Zoo?!? I wanna go to the Zoo Momma" He begs, jumping out of his bed and onto my back.

"Well then let's get going. We have to go early so we can see all the animals." I say, picking him up and bringing him to the bathroom so he can brush his teeth and change his clothes. I put him in a plain black t-shirt and a pair of jeans along with his vans. Man, my baby was cute.

We both head downstairs together and I quickly make him a bowl of cereal for breakfast. While he sat and munched on his breakfast, I quickly made four sandwiches for the two guys outside. Yes, I know I should be mad at them, but I can't help it. It's not like they want to be outside, Ryder is ordering them. The least I can do is feed them every once in a while. However, my son who is already too smart for his own good notices.

"Momma who are you making those for?" He asks, his mouth full of fruit loops.

"I'm just making us some lunch for after the zoo." I lie. It's not like I can tell my three year old son, "Its for two men outside who are watching over our house because your father, whom you've never yet, is ordering them to because he an alpha of one of the largest packs in the country." Yeah that seems a little too complicated for me.

Carter soon finishes his bowl and I tell him to run upstairs real quick to grab his hat and then we can leave. I quickly put his bowl in the dishwasher before opening the backdoor and jogging to the tree-line where are bodyguards are.

Lucas and Gregg are sitting outside on fold-out chairs, playing a card-game as I walk up to them.

"Well, this is greaaaat security detail if I've ever seen one..." I say as I walk up to them, making them jump out of their seats.

"Good Morning Luna" Lucas says, bowing slightly.

I glare at his words and actions, "Stop that, I am not your Luna." I say, handing Gregg the brown paper bag. "Here's some food." I say, before turning around on my heel.

"Thanks Luna." Gregg replies, and I growl slightly as I head back to the house.

Once inside, Carter is sitting patiently on the couch, waiting for me.

"Ready to go Momma?" He asks, all smiles.

"Just a second baby, Momma just has to change her clothes real quick." I reply, kissing his forehead quickly before heading to my room. I quickly put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white off-the-shoulder top. I put my hair up in a quick ponytail before grabbing my purse and walking back out to the living room.

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