Chapter 10

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"Momma are we almost there yet?" Carter whines.

"Carter, be patient. We will be there soon." I say, looking back at him. I am absolutely dreading getting to the pack house, or even worse, the alpha house.

I stare out the window, watching as buildings turn into trees as we get farther and farther away from the city.

" have you been?" Ryder glances at me before looking back at the road.

I look back at him with an uninterested look, "Do you really want to do small talk right now?"

"Well no, there are tons of things I'd rather do right now, but we have a child in the car so...." He say, giving me a smirk and a wink.

"Shut up" I say, rolling my eyes, "I didn't call you because I miss you, nor do I really want to come back, but I didn't really have an option. But best believe as soon as we're done here Carter and I are going back to our life and you will stay far away from it."

"We'll see about that..." He mumbles.

"What did you say?" I say, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I said that we need to discuss this issue when we don't have little ears around." He replies.

I sigh, "Whatever".

The rest of the ride was primarily silent, other than Carter whining about when we were gonna get to the house a couple more times before he fell asleep.

When we finally got to the Alpha house, Gregg and Lucas were waiting for us by the front door. As soon as Ryder parked the car I got out, walked over to Carter's side and pulled him out and put him on my hip so I didn't have to walk him up.

"I can carry him" Ryder insists, holding his hands out for him.

"I'm fine, can you let us inside?" I say, already walking to the front door.

I can hear Ryder sigh behind me, before quickly grabbing our bags and meeting us by the front door. He unlocks the door and lets us inside, and the place looks exactly like it did before I left.

I walk straight upstairs and find one of the open rooms and put Carter down on one of the beds before laying a blanket on top of him.

"Which bag is his?" Ryder whispers behind me.

"You can put both of them here, I wanna sleep with him." I say, leaning over to give Carter a kiss on the forehead before ushering Ryder out and closing the door behind me.

As I walk back down the stairs, I finally get a chance to look at the house. When I left, Ryder's parents still lived here,but now it's only Ryder. I look around as I get to the main floor. A lot of the pictures I was used to being there weren't on the walls anymore, they had all changed to pictures of Ryder with his parents, the pack and his friends. There is only one that I recognize, the picture Marley took at the club that one night.

I walk straight to the kitchen and open the cabinet that used to have the tequila in it, and to my luck, Ryder still kept it there.

I unscrewed the lid and took a big swig of the bottle before walking back to sit on the couch in the living room.

"Well I guess you still remember where the alcohol is" Ryder says with a smile, before taking a seat on the couch across of me.

"Yeah well it's been a long day. First Carter gets bullied because he doesn't have a dad and proceeds to punch the bully in the face, then some rogue almost kidnaps me in the middle of the grocery store parking lot, and know I'm sitting in your house on your territory. I don't know how my life took a turn for the worse in as little as 12 hours!" I say, taking another swig of tequila.

"Wait hold up and back up, Carter got bullied today? What happened?" Ryder says with a look of concern.

"Carter has only ever known that he has a mom. So when some other kid tells Carter that he does have a dad, but doesn't love him, Carter proceeded to punch the boy in the face." I say simply, taking another swig. I can feel the alcohol in my system starting to take effect. Gosh I love tequila, I don't have to drink a lot in order to get tipsy.

"Why didn't you tell him about me?! Then that all could've been avoided!" Ryder says, looking at me like I just kicked his puppy.

"Oh yeah that's a real good conversation to have with a 6 year old. Hey Carter, you do have a daddy, but he accused momma of cheating on him and left her for dead 6 years ago. Then he came back 3 years ago wanting in on our lives, but momma kicked him to the curb." I say scuffing at him, "Just forget about it." I say, taking one more sip from the bottle before Ryder stands up and pulls the bottle from my hands.

"Um hello! I was drinking that!" I say loudly, reaching for the bottle back.

"Well I don't think you should be drinking right now" He replies, walking back to the kitchen to put the bottle away.

"Well you aren't my mate anymore, you don't get the liberty to tell me what to do." I bark back, standing up, "I'm going to bed." I say, making my way to the stairs.

"You're right, let's go to bed." Ryder replies, walking towards me. As soon as he got close, he bent down and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"what the fuck, Ryder? Put me down!" I say, using my fist to hit his back.

He just ignores me, walking up the stairs and opens the door to one of the bedrooms, one that Carter is NOT in. As he walks in, I immediately smell Ryder's scent all over the room. We get to where the bed is and he plops me down on it.

"You are psycho if you think I am staying in this room with you..." I say, already moving to stand up.

"Sit down!" He yells, using his alpha voice as his eyes change color to an icy blue, and my wolf cowers inside. His face is angry, and pained. It reminds me of the day he rejected me, and the day that I rejected him.

He immediately composes himself my taking a couple of deep breaths, pushing his wolf back inside.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to sleep in here. My wolf is going crazy right now and he's fighting for control." He says, "You can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor, hell I'll even bring Carter in here too. He wants the two of you close right now, so we can protect you." He finishes, looking down at me with pleading eyes.

I scoff, "Fine, but you sleep on the floor and you have to go get Carter and bring him in here." I say, laying back down and turning to my back to my ex-mate.

I can hear him sigh in relief before leaving the room momentarily, before returning with my little boy in his arms. Ryder lays him on the bed carefully, before grabbing one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed and putting it on the ground and laying down on top of it.

"Thank you Kara." He whispers but I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Goodnight Ryder" I say curtly, ending the conversation.

As I close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep, all I can think about is what a damn day is has been.... and how much more hectic it's going to be for the next couple days.

Lucky me.

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