Chapter 18

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Ryder kept his word and started making breakfast. He decided to keep it simple: eggs and bacon. While he was frying delicious pieces of heaven on earth, I decided to go wake up Carter. I open the door to his room and take a seat on his bed, rubbing his back.

"Carter, baby. It's time to wake up." I feel him start to stir, before rubbing his eyes and looking up at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Good Morning Mama" he says while sitting up and doing a little stretch, reaching his arms to the sky.

I stand up, "Hurry up and let's go downstairs. Or else daddy is going to eat all the bacon" I tease.

"Bacon?" He replies, jumping out of bed and rushing to his duffel bag to change his clothes.

"I'll be downstairs, but don't take too long!" I reply, walking down the stairs to see Ryder put a couple of pieces of bacon on a plate. I walk over with the intention to grab one when his back is turned, but right before I have the strip of deliciousness in my grasp, Ryder turns around and quickly pulls the plate away from me.

"Nuh-uh. No picking, wait until breakfast, it's almost ready." He says with a smirk.

I pout at him and stomp my foot: I really wanted a piece of that damn bacon.

He scoffs at me with amusement, "So now we're throwing a tantrum are we?" He says, putting the plate down and turning back to me. "Do you know what happens to little girls that throw tantrums?" He teases, stalking towards me.

I quickly turn around, but before I even have a chance to run, I am picked up from behind and thrown over Ryder's shoulders.

"Ryder put me down!" I scream, playfully hitting his back with my fists.

"Nope. This is your punishment for your tantrum. You're just lucky I don't want to spank you with our son in earshot." He replies, and I can already hear the smirk in his voice.

"Oh you son of a-"

"Daddy? Why are you carrying Momma?" Carter asks with a smile

Ryder walks over to Carter and easily continues to hold me on this shoulder while picking up our son as well, "Momma threw a tantrum about not being able to eat the bacon, so this is her time-out time." Ryder replied, placing Carter on a chair.

As Ryder starts to walk away, I hit his back a little harder, "Um aren't you forgetting to put someone else down?!" I say, like Hello! I'm still up here!

"Nope. Not until you tell me I'm the sexiest alpha alive and that you can't wait to have more children with me" Ryder replies triumphantly, walking over to place Carter's plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.

"Oh hell no! I'm not saying that!" I growl, there is no way! in hell! that I'm saying that!

"Welp than I guess Carter and I will just have to eat all the bacon then...." Ryder smirks, "Right Carter?" He asks.

Carter just nods with a mouth full of food. Thanks son!

"Fine!" I yell, "Ryder is the sexiest alive alive" I say, hoping and praying that he forgot about the last part.....

"Annnnndddd" He teases.

"And I can't wait to have more children with him" I say, making sure there is absolutely no enthusiasm in my voice.

Victorious, Ryder walks over to a seat at the table and plops my butt on it, "See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" he teases me again, quickly kissing me on my forehead before pushing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. I grab a piece of bacon and put it in my mouth, "well don't hold your breath cuz I can definitely forever" I tease back, sticking my tongue out at him.

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