Chapter 2

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Great. What did I do now?

I rolled my eyes as I walked through the hallways headed for the office.

No doubt in my mind someone had told the principal about the incident. I walked for a couple of minutes, taking care not to fall because my black flats were still soaked from the water.

I soon found myself standing just outside the office door. I took a few deep breaths and opened the door. There, sitting behind a glass window, was the secretary. She quit typing on the keyboard to look at me through the thin reading glasses perched on her nose.

She pointed to the principal's office. "He'll see you now," I walked over to the door, my hand on the handle when she spoke up again. "Oh, and don't sit on the furniture, please." I nodded.

Duly noted. I silently opened the door, coming face to face with our principal. A scrawny bald-headed man with absolutely no strength whatsoever. The only power he had was his voice.

I look at the chair infront of him, Chasity was staring back at me, only she had a smirk on her pink puffy lips that were clearly engrossed by tons of lip gloss.

We all seem to just stare at each other, until the principal starts talking. "Its just as bad as you said it was, Chasity."

What? Were they talking about me?

"I know, Mr. McCall. I just don't know who'd want to hurt my bff like that." She turns toward me, "Are you okay?"

I just stare at her dumbly. What. The. Heck. She's lying right through her teeth.

"Huh?" I ask, she just shakes her head, "She's in so much trauma right now she can't even speak right." Did I miss something?

"Your right, Mrs. Baker. Thank you for telling me of this incident. I'd hate to know that bullying was going on in my school. It is something we do not accept, under any circumstances, here in North Dixon High."

"Your absolutely right, Mr. M. I'll be on the lookout for whoever did this heinous act."

I just stood there like a fool, letting her lie her way out of it all.

Remind me again why I'm letting her get away with this, brain. To my amusement, it answered. Because, dear sweet Abigale, revenge is best served cold. (To match her heart.)

"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" Mr. McCall asked me. I shook my head, "No sir. I do not." But my answer continued on in my head, 'No, I have absolutely no idea who dumped spaghetti and freezing cold water on me. Its like it just magically appeared!'

Wow, I'm drenching with sarcasm today.

"Alright, then. You two are excused. Except for you, Abigale. I'll call your mother and have her come pick you up-"

"No need." I interrupted him,"I can just walk home. I don't live far."

He raised his eyebrows.
"Very well, whatever you wish to do." I nodded, "Thank you, sir."

Me and Chasity walked out of the office, our arms interlocked. When we were clear out of the office and away from the teachers and staff she jerked away from me.

"Ew, get off me filth!" She shrieked, rubbing her arm as if I gave her ebola or something.

"Filth? Your the one who grabbed my hand up! And by the way, what the hell was that?!" I whisper-yelled to her.

"It's called sucking up to the staff and principal. You should try it. You just might not get gunk dumped all over you!" She said sarcastically.

"Yeah, and I bet its not only the staff you suck up to." I muttered.

"What did you say, shortie?" Shortie? Really? Is that the best you can do?

"Your only tall because your wearing six inch stiletto pumps. Give me a pair of shoes like that, and I'd be tall, too."

"Oh you wish you could afford these," she gloated," they costed three-hundred-and-thirty-six dollars!" Oh crap that is a hella lot of money for shoes!

"Fine. Whatever. I've got a walk home to make." I tell her then scurry off. Dont let her get to you. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

I repeated these words in my head multiple times as I opened the doors of the school and stormed through the parking lot. I need to be home now. I hate this school. I hate it a lot.

I was walking for about five minutes when I reached our neighborhood. I looked in awe at the perfectly trimed lawns and freshly painted houses, wishing mine could look like that. But no, I had to get the house at the end of the street that reminded me of Edward Scissorhand's creepy mansion.

The lawn had little to no grass, no flowers, no shrubs and no pretty garden gnomes. The house itself wasn't much better. It had peeling dull gray paint, a brick chimney covered with poison ivy, and some of the windows were grimey, or even cracked. I wonder how it feels like to be rich...

I walked for a couple of more minutes until I reached the front door of my house. I hesitantly knocked, and I opened the door. To my suprise it wasn't even locked.

"Are you a murderer!?" My mom yells from the kitchen. I can't help but chuckle at her. "Yes, mom. I'm a murderer who just happens to be your daughter."

She pokes her head out of the kitchen door. "Abigale?" She looks at me and I nodd. "Yup."

"Why are you home so early and wh-!" Her eyes perk up instantly, "What happened to you!?" She rushes over to me with a towel and starts patting the sauce and gunk off of my face and clothes.

I growl under my breath. "Its this stupid rich chick who thinks she can do anything and that includes ruin my life!" I huff.

"Oh honey, that's terrible. Did the principal not do anything about it?" She asked.

"No! She just sat there and fricken lied right through her teeth!" I spat. "I am done with this nonsense! I need to get back at her! I'm done with this poor, sad life!" She tried to console me, but tears started to stream down my red cheeks.

"And don't get me wrong, I know you do everything you can to help keep the house up and running, but I need something new! I want to be able to go out places and buy unnecessary stuff and gloat about it!"

Once I was done venting I felt extremely bad. My mother's cheeks were now stained with tears. I don't know what else to do, so I just hug her. I hug her with all my might, because she probably needs a hug way more than I do.


Hello, sweet potato pies! So yet another chapter with a cliffhanger this time! Yay! So I wanted you to get a feel for Abigale's lifestyle being a lower-class person. Anyway! Vote, comment, etc. Any opinion will be great! Pic of Abigale at the top/side! (Played my Taylor Swift)


I love I Love Lucy re-runs!!

~Espella ♡♥♡♥

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