Chapter 14

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I know that fighter. I know him as plain as day, and I don't need to look at his eyes to be sure of it.


My voice was barely above a whisper. I was certain. He was Justin. How could I not see it before? I mean, besides the outfit change, ruffled up hair, and hot body?

Wait, what? Hot body?

Well, I don't guess I could deny it now, I legit just got through calling him handsome, now didn't I?

Wait no, wrong point. Where was I at? Oh yeah.

He was my friend, wasn't he? Why couldn't he have just told me what he was doing?

Maybe it's for his family. I thought. What if he lives alone and has to make it on his own? What if he has some type of tragic backstory, like all the guys in books do?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that my feet had carried me outside.

I leaned against the cold metal of the building, thinking. I tend to do that a lot now, don't I?

Maybe he was trying to keep it a secret on purpose. What if, what if now that I know, he'll hate me for it and never talk to me again?

I wasn't sure why, but this thought had me shivering. Why would it bother me so much if he didn't talk to me? I mean, I had Reece's attention, and that was my plan, right?


I bet he was still lip locking with Chasity. The image hurt so much to look at, and now it's etched into my memory. Like an etch to sketch, except this picture wouldn't go away no matter how much I shake my head.

A single tear fell again. I wiped it off quickly. Despite all my emotions running everywhere, I was still a little bit ticked that Justin just didn't tell me that he was a fighter. I mean, he didn't have to lie to me, did he?

That's it. I'm done playing pansy. I need to go find him and talk to him.

Justin I'm coming for you.

I walked back to the door of the building, but before my hand could reach the latch, someone else opened it from the inside.



Gah, now what? The bloody door just hit my head. Fricken wonderful.

I stumble back, grabbing my forehead. That was definitely going to leave a mark.


Behold, out walks the culprit himself. "Abbi!?"

Has he not even noticed me yet?

By now I'm back to leaning against the wall of the building, Justin a few feet away from me still screaming my name.

"For goodness sakes, would you shut up?! I'm right here, you know!"


It happens before I can realize it. He's hugging me. No, he picked me up, spun me around, and is still hugging me.

The notion sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. Wait, what?

"Justin, you can let go now, I can barely breathe."

He lets go, but still grabs onto my shoulders. "What the heck are you doing here, Abbi?"

I slap his hands away, "I could ask you the same thing! When you said you'd be playing video games, I imagined you World of Warcrafing it! Not in there going all Mortal Kombat on some dude!" I say making motions with my hands as if holding a controller.

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