Chapter 11

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I couldn't tell if she was shocked or enraged with me. Probably both.

"What the hell happened to you, loser?" She spat at me. It didn't hurt as much now as it used to, knowing now that it wasn't true.

"Oh? What do you mean?" I ask, acting oblivious.

"What do you mean 'What do you mean?' Those clothes, who'd you steal them from? You obviously couldn't afford them." She snarks.

I smirk, "I actually can, because since my father worked so hard all his life, the fruits of his labor came back. In other words, I'm loaded."

She steps back, obviously taken aback. I keep my mini speech going. "I'm also calling this petty rivalry to an end. I don't bother you if you don't bother me, understood?"

She has a glare, "Bitch, you think you can just walk in here and boss me around lik-"

"Like you do- I mean, used to do to me?" I cut her off.

Anyone could notice the way she growled under her breath. She clearly wasn't going to agree that easily. As she starts to walk off, she turns her head to me, her eyes narrowed, "Watch your back." She hissed.

"Sure thing." I casually answer.

I make my way to English, walking in just as I usually do, I take my seat. Except, now, the few people that are in here early all stare at me.

I ignore them, thinking about Chasity's threat. She wouldn't pull anything now, would she? Not that I actually feel threatened, I have more witnesses now. More people to witness this. I wond-

"Wow, you look amazing," My thoughts are cut off by Justin sitting down infront of me. I smile, "Thank yo-"

"I mean, you looked pretty amazing before, but now.....Wow." he trailed off.

I blush, "Oh, well, thank you."

He smiles, "Anytime." I notice a slight bruise in his left jaw, but I never took anything from it. It didn't concern me, anyway.

English was such a bore. It went by more slowly than usual, and I thought that I could talk to Emma some in our off-time, but she was no where to be found.

I was currently in the library at one of the round tables, my nose stuck in a book. In fact, I was so caught up in it that I hadn't realized someone had sat infront of me until they coughed.

I jolted up, my eyes locking with those of Reece's. He smirked, and I blushed due to thinking back about this morning.

"I figured I'd find you in here, babe." He leaned in further, making us only a few inches apart. I gulped.

"O-oh yeah? Y-you were looking for me?" I stutter. Jesus, Abigale, pull it together.

He nodded, "I was going to ask you to come to a party with me this Friday at Ryan's. You in?" He asked.

I hesitated, a party? With Reece? Would my parents let me go? My mom probably would, but I don't know about dad. Then it dawned on me,

"Wouldn't your girlfriend be mad at you for taking me?" I ask, hesitant.

"Yeah, she probably would, that is, if I had one." He smirked, "So you in, or not?"

I nodded. "Sure, I would love to."
"Great. Hey, if you want, there's a seat next to me at lunch that has your name on it, if you want to claim it." He smirked again. I blushed again.

"Uh, sure." I said slightly smiling.

"Fantasic, see you there, babe." He winked as he walked off.

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