Chapter 19

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As Zane and Sherry walk through the entrance to the castle, Sherry is reminded that it's close to lunchtime

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As Zane and Sherry walk through the entrance to the castle, Sherry is reminded that it's close to lunchtime.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to whip up something because I imagine the guys are hungry from their trip," asks Sherry.

"I could never turn down your cooking. Do you think it would be alright if I eat in the library?" Zane replies.

"Lord Garrin won't mind if you eat in there. Go relax and I'll bring it to you," she answers.

"Thanks Sherry."

"Your welcome."

He heads down the hall and enters the library. He sits in his normal spot that has a direct view of Rose's portrait. A book about magic rests on the table next to him that still holds his place. He stares at Rose's picture for a moment before his picks up the book to resume reading where he left off. As soon as he starts to get back into the book, Asher walks in and sits near Zane.

"What are you reading?" asks Asher.

"The History of Magic," replies Zane.

"That's a good book. Do you read a lot?" questions Asher.

"I only have a couple of books at my house. We can't really afford to buy things that aren't a necessity. Since I've been here, I figured I would use the opportunity to read as much as I could while I have the chance," explains Zane.

"If you want, the next time I head down this way, I'll bring all the books I've read. You can have them if you want," offers Asher.

"You would give me your books?" asks Zane as he wonders what his status is to where he could afford to give away his collection of books.

"Why not? I've already read them and I would rather that they go to someone who would cherish them and put them to good use," insists Asher.

"Thank you. I would take very good care of them," accepts Zane.

"Your welcome. So, you're the one who survived the recent Rebel attack?"

"You heard about that?" questions Zane.

"I don't think there's anyone in the kingdom who hasn't heard of what you did," reveals Asher.

"Wow! I didn't realize that word had passed around so quickly. I didn't really do anything spectacular," Zane explains.

"You killed dozens of Rebels. I would hardly call that anything other than spectacular."

Sherry enters the library with two plates of food.

"I see you've met our local hero," declares Sherry.

"He's more than just a local hero. His name is being spoken by many throughout the entire kingdom," adds Asher.

She sits the plates down on the table between them.

"He's definitely one of a kind your Highness." Responds Sherry as she exits the room.

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