Chapter 35

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"Zane!" Shouts Beedo as he walks swiftly toward him

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"Zane!" Shouts Beedo as he walks swiftly toward him.

They grab each other by the forearm and give a welcoming half-hug.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Zane excited.

"Lord Garrin wanted us to come stay with him. He stopped in Gelwyn on his way from Brinon to ask me if he had my blessing to take my mother as his guest to the King's wedding." Explains Beedo.

"Wait. Did you just say the King's wedding?" Asks Dekker interrupting.

"Yes my lord." Responds Beedo unsure how to act.

"Cut that out. Any friend of Zane's is a friend of mine. I'm Dekker by the way." He adds as they embrace each other by the forearm.

"I'm Beedo. It's very nice to meet you."

"And this is Lady Fallon." Introduces Zane.

"Lady Fallon." Responds Beedo as he kisses her hand.

"Wow, a true gentleman. Dekker could take some pointers from you." Smirks Fallon.

"Yeah, Yeah. So who is Asher marrying?" Questions Dekker as he changes the subject now that the pleasantries are over.

"Someone named Lady Isabel." Announces Beedo.

Zane and Fallon's eyes widen for different reasons as they hear her name.

"Really! Wow! Just when you think you know a guy." Exclaims Dekker feeling left out.

"I need to go talk to Rose. It was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll have time to talk again." Declares Fallon, speaking to Beedo.

"You as well my Lady." Beedo responds as she walks away.

"So you're alright with Garrin taking your mother to the wedding? What changed?" Asks Zane.

"It was quite a few different things actually. After seeing his kindness toward the people of Gelwyn and the nice things you said about him, it really got me to thinking. After we left here the last time, my mother continued to speak highly of him on many occasions, which kept her situation on my mind. I realized that I couldn't get in the way if she wanted to be with someone who treats her well. I also came to the conclusion that I didn't want to see her all alone and living in the past for the rest of her life. She needs to be happy again and Lord Garrin has shown nothing but kindness and respect toward us both. Seeing her happy again is all I can hope for." Explains Beedo.

"I've known Lord Garrin for most of my life and I've always held his character in the highest regard. I can also say that since I've known him, I've never even seen him make even a small pass at a woman before." Admits Dekker.

"He did confess to me that since his wife passed away, he's never considered being with anyone else until he saw my mother. However, he said that he first saw her like ten years and he's wondered about her ever since. He said after seeing her the second or third time, he tasked Lord Gregor to find out more about her, but found out that she was married." Continues Beedo.

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