||Chapter 9||

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Cecilia's Pov

When Reece said this was not going to be a normal date he was telling the truth.

I brought me to a freaking street race.

Who takes a girl on a date to a street race?


He had picked me up earlier from my apartment in a car. I was kind of dissapointed that he didn't bring the motorbike but with us traveling in a car it actually gave us a chance to talk to each other.

It was quiet nice. He told me about his love for cars and from what he told me I learnt that he was the quiet the collector. In all honesty I dint know a thing about cars but it was fun to see Reece so excited over something.

I was dressed in a pair of light denim jeans with a white cosy jumper. Although I did stand out like a sore thumb do to my jumper being white. Everyone else around was dressed in dark shades like blacks, browns and navy blues.

A lot of people looked at me and I don't think it was anything to do with the colour I was wearing. I think it had something more to do with me standing by Reece and him having an arm wrapped around my waist.

Reece did give anyone that he caught looking me a huge glare which made them look like they were going to wet their pants. I had to nudge him a few times to make him stop glaring at a few people.

"Cecilia!" I turn my head to see Amy running towards me wearing white shorts and a green shirt. I almost let out sigh of relief, thank god I wasn't the only person wearing white.

"Hey" I say to her when she finally reaches me. I give her a hug and am insensately engulfed with the smell of lavender. When we pull away I turn to see Reece fastening up the zip on his jacket.

"Show time" Reece says with a smirk on his face.

I frown.

Was he seriously going to race. He was meant to be on a date with me.

Couples spend time together on a date. I mean I knew we weren't an official couple but this was still a date. If I'm correct your meant to spend time with your date when your on a date with them. I mean isn't that how it worked?

He leans down next to my ear.

"This ones for you sweet heart" he quietly says in my ear. His lips brush my ear as he gives me a quick peck. He then turns on his heal and makes his way toward the race track.

"So you and boss?" I turn to see Amy grinning from ear to ear. She had a look on her face. A look that was practically screaming 'I knew you guys were gonna date'.

"Yeah I guess" I say whilst trying to contain my blush.

"You two are so cute together!" She squeals at the top of her lungs a few people turn to look at us.

I just put my head down in embarrassment.

"Bad boy, good girl it's a totally going to have a happy ending" she says excitedly. She seemed super excited. I think it might have something to with having a friend who was a girl. Adam mentioned something about Amy growing up around boys and wanting friends who were girls. It was hard for to make girl friends because they would always use her to get close to Reece or even Adam. At least with me she knew I only wanted her friendship because I already kind of had a relationship with Reece.

I think about Amy statement the only problem was I'm not a good girl I've done so many things that I regret. So many things that didn't make me a good person.

That's why I gave Reece a chance because I knew everyone deserved a chance, no matter what they've done.

"Racers take your seats in your cars" I hear a loud voice burst from the speakers, giving the race track a slight shake.

"Reece has never lost a race" Amy says to me with a proud smile on her face. The look respect in that moment in time said it all. She looked like she would do anything for him and I guess thats the kind of loyalty you need to have in a gang. She looked like she respected him. Not only as her boss but as her cousin too.

I give her small smile and turn back to the race track.

"Ready" the loud voice shrills through the speaker.

"Set" I was at the edge of my seat.


My heart was thudding for Reece.

I didn't know what car was his but I'm guessing the one that said "Sniper" in gold.

The race was three laps long and lead was in the lead for the first two it was coming up to the last lap and he was close to the finish line. I stand up from my seat and cheer for him not caring about the looks I was getting because of shouting his first name. I screamed it louder.

He was so close. He was going to win! No surprise there.

Suddenly his car starts to slow down a tiny bit.

It only slowed down a small amount but enough to give one of the other drivers the chance to shoot straight past Reece and past the finishing line.

Reece came second place.

Reece lost the race.

There's a first time for everything.

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