The letter

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Dear Reece,

A year ago today I would have never thought that all that has happened could have happened. I've had a crazy ride but I believe its time for me to get off of the rollercoaster.                              

Reece, you have no idea how special you made me feel. You were the first guy to make me feel this way and I feel like thats probably why I rushed into the relationship.

It was all going so fast and I'm not an expert but no one should ever think wow I like this guy after meeting you once. It moved too fast and I was dumb and naive from the start.

I wanted this fairytale ending with me and you like they haven the books. But that doesn't happen in real life.

I think I stood by you because you were the only person that ever made me feel good about myself and I loved every little bit of the attention that I received off of you. So much so that I risked a lot friendships and family and I'm afraid to say it wasn't worth the risk.

I made a big mistake. I picked my family over you a guy I had only known for a few months!

Anyway I'm going off topic... I don't want to talk about my family death. I just want start on a clean slate. So I'm leaving.

Will think and care for you always, Cecilia


PS: I know the letters all a jumble but I wasn't going to write  another, I wanted you to hear things the way they were laid out in my brain. And this is how they were laid out. All in a big jumble.

PSS: Don't bother coming after me, I'm probably already on the aeroplane.

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