Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

**Harry's POV**

I sat in a daze and stared at the spot where Louis had just been standing. Each pair of eyes in the classroom were focused on me, even the teacher's. I felt my cheeks heat up a little, and I knew it wasn't only because of the throbbing pain I felt in my left one.

I knew I had deserved the blow though. I'd treated Louis like shit the past few days, ever since that 'almost kiss'. I didn't even know why I had run out of his room! It must've been due to embarrassment or something because it wasn't due to the fact I didn't want him to kiss me. Hell no! I'd dreamed of those lips on mine ever since that party where he'd been sitting on that chair, looking lost, but yet so cute and adorable. Actually, that was the first time I'd properly laid my eyes on him. Sure, I had seen him at school, but he was an outcast that was invisible to everyone. However, ever since our eyes locked that night, I'd wanted to kiss those cute, pink lips.

I was scared, I'll admit it. First off, I was afraid of being laughed at. I'd always been, even though no one knew it. Secondly, I was afraid of being in love with a guy. I didn't really know if I loved him yet though because I'd never been in love before, so all this was new to me. I had always thought that if I ever were to fall in love, it'd be in a girl, and not in a boy. That was why I kept dating girls every now and then. I wanted to find love. It seemed to be so amazing, the way you always had a smile on your face every time you caught sight of your lover.

So, if I had feelings for Louis, did that mean I was gay?

I thought of how a girl's lips felt against mine and no, I wasn't. Then I thought of how I'd been checking out some other guys lately and came to the conclusion that I was bisexual. Wow, that felt weird to admit, but I guess I was.

An image of Louis' angry face played through my mind. I couldn't believe I was the reason  he was angry in the first place. I didn't want things to be like this. I wanted to hug, cuddle and kiss him, not fight him. I needed to solve this, and since I was the one who had started this fight, I was going to be the one to fix everything as well.

"Eh... well, we should probably continue the le--"

"Mr. Hendricks, may I please be excused for a minute?" I asked, cutting him off.

He looked up at me. "Sure, if you promise me to go to the school nurse so she can check on your cheek. It looks rather painful," he grimaced.

"It is," I lied. It really wasn't, I just wanted to go find Louis and tell him how sorry I was for everything.

"Then you're free to go."

I stood up and gathered my books before I left the classroom without glancing back at any of them. Quickly, I made my way to my locker to get rid of my books. When I was just about to leave, I heard a quiet whimper, followed by a voice that said, "These are the consequences that follow when you leave class before it has ended."

I knew that voice, it was Zayn's. It suddenly dawned on me what was going on over there and I started running as quickly as possible, following the sounds of whimpers.

No, please don't let it be Louis. Just please, not him.

I rounded the corner, and there they were; Louis lying on the floor, his face bleeding heavily from a few opened cuts, and Zayn with one foot on Louis' chest, pressing him down against the hard surface of the floor.

Anger boiled up inside me. How very dared he!? How dared he touch my Boobear for a third time?!

Without a word, I grabbed Zayn's arm, spun him around and pinned him to the wall of lockers in front of us. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE THE BOY THE FUCK ALONE?!" I spat in his face.

Invisible (Larry Stylinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora