Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was the last lesson before lunch the next day; Maths. Liam and Niall were sitting beside each other again, so I was currently looking for an empty seat. I noticed Ed wasn't sitting beside anyone yet, so I decided to make my way over to him.

I was about to open my mouth to ask him if I could sit next to him when Hannah plopped down in the seat beside him. "Hi Louis," she fake smiled.

Guess someone's still mad at me for rejecting them...

I glared at her and turned around to look for another empty seat. Eventually, I spotted one across the room, so I walked over to it, sitting down at the desk. My gaze wandered to the couple who was sitting at my and Niall's desk, and I noticed how in love they seemed to be with each other. Niall was leaning his head on Liam's shoulder while Liam was playing with his dyed blonde hair, small smiles playing on their lips. Yeah, definitely in love.

Right then, the bell rang and all students had soon found an empty seat to sit on. I was just about to open my book and start working when I felt a presence beside me. I turned my head to face the person, and as soon as I saw the curls and the green eyes staring into mine, I felt anger boiling up inside me.

Why? Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I thought he'd switched Maths lessons to the other class, so why was he even here? "Harry, what are you--"

"Please Louis. I know you don't want to see or talk to me, but I have something to tell you, okay? It's about why Zayn's bulling you," he pleaded.

I looked around the room, spotting Zayn looking at me. He looked away as soon as he caught my gaze and started nibbling on his bottom lip. I looked back at Harry and frowned. "Go on," I mumbled.

He sighed and made himself comfortable in his seat. "Yesterday at lunch you saw that I was talking to him, right?"

I nodded.

"I needed an answer, you know? As to why he bullies you all the time," he continued.

I stared at him with wide eyes. Why did he care that Zayn bullied me? Sure, he had saved me the last three times from possibly getting killed, but he shouldn't care... right?

"I asked him, and at first he just stared down at the table, refusing to answer me, but after some time I managed to get it out of him," he said, seeming to be thinking deeply.

I swallowed, starting to get a little nervous. What if it was something bad? Or it could simply be because I was gay... but why did Harry sound so... annoyed and angry then? The main reason why Zayn bullied me should be because I was gay, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise to Harry to hear that, should it? "So?"

He inhaled deeply. "He said that Perrie's just a beard, that he's in fact homosexual, and in love with you"

I burst out laughing. "You've got to be kidding me," I said, shaking my head in disbelief while looking at him. "Gay? And in love with me? Yeah, sure."

Harry covered my mouth with his hand. "Not so loud! He can hear you, Louis!"

But it was already too late because before I knew it, the classroom door slammed shut and Zayn was gone. I stopped laughing and turned to Harry. He dropped his hand from my mouth, and just like always, the annoying tingles joined me.

Wait a second, was it true? Was everything Harry just told me true? But that was just insane! It couldn't be true!

Harry sighed, fiddling with his fingers uncomfortably. What was going on with him?

"He wanted to see your reaction, so that was why he practically begged me to explain everything to you," he mumbled.

Well, that meant Harry didn't care after all. He had just asked Zayn why he was bullying me, and then when he had known the reason to it, he wouldn't have told me if it weren't for Zayn who had forced him to? Well, he did just explain how Zayn had begged him to tell me, after all.

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