He Ain't Shid

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"He Ain't Shid"

He betrayed you, your trust and hurt your feelings countless of times. So you see baby girl he ain't shid. But that doesn't stop you, you love him unconditionally. You both have history, memories that you try so hard to hold onto. Thinking maybe he'll change and he'll return the love you so effortlessly gave to him. But you see baby girl he ain't shid, ain't never gon be shid or amount to shid. But again you forgive so easily, almost like second nature. He cheats on you, you not knowing the girl beside you, who so happeningly is your best friend, has your nigga wrapped around her finger. Or maybe you know and you choose to ignore the signs, the feelings and emotions it gives you. Because you love him unconditionally of course and you believe past memories are better than your present and future ones. I'm not judging baby girl, all I'm saying is He Ain't Shid!!

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