My First Love

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"My First Love"
I still remember when we first met and i was so curious about what you were about and how you'd act. Its the personality for me, its the confidence for me is what I always say but its so much more to you than that. Its the self motivation, the way you walk and talk, the way you dress and lift those weights. Its the way I can't find anything I dislike about you and the way I fell in love unconditionally with my best friend. I fell in love with someone that doesn't see the bad but only the good in every aspect. I think its kinda perfect that I found what I needed in my life all in one person, all in one setting . Its kinda upsetting i have to share you with the world but i know that they're getting the best of the best to ever walk the earth. No boost, this is just how i feel. Never thought my first love would feel a little something like this.

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