A Lost Generation

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"A Lost Generation"

Here's to the lost generation, the generation who believe in side hoes and niggas. The generation who believes any and everyone is out to get them, who believes no one listens or cares about how they feel. A generation that is so influenced by music and the fashion magazines. A generation that is dying at such a young age that it's terrible. We believe love is nonexistent and conditional, that every "I love you" has a cruel meaning behide it. Here's to the insecure generation and the "lets just be friends" generation. The generation who are just looking for love and acceptance. We believe keeping to ourselves and getting to the money the best way we know how will make us reach our dreams. The generation where college is not an affordable option. The generation who hate and despise the police. The depressed and antisocial generation, here's to the lost generation.

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