Waste My Time

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"Waste My Time"

It's 2016 and you still chose to ignore me. First you boost my head up with your lies of an bond that's is so unconditional and forgiving. Then you send me cute good morning text messages, making me smile and making me think your just so different from the other niggas in my phone. Though it's all the plot to some sick joke, I do not, still to this day know the punch line of. It's crazy how you treat me and its crazy how I feel towards you when, you and I have no claim to each other. I see you and you see me, but we walk pass each other as though, we don't know each others hopes, dreams and nightmares. It amazes me, that I let you waste my time for this long. Not anymore, you see, I love myself with a love so strong, I refuse to hold myself in such a nonexistent relationship, that it's sad. I'll go my way and you go yours, but I'll always remember your hopes, dreams and nightmares. Most of all I'll always remember how you wasted my time.

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