The Light Behind Your Eyes

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Storm's POV


I flew up and flew next to Skul, sharing a smile with her. We have a few more hours until we need to be at the command tent to help out planning the attack on the Capital. I told Thea. Nevertheless we still have the next hours to relax here.

Thea smiled at me and Skul started descending so Thea could dismount. We'll win this next battle; we'll show the Magicians and Dragon Riders what happens when you mess with us. Thea replied.

End Recap

Zenith rushed up to me, we – as in the dragons and riders – were in preparation for leaving and following the rebels towards the capital and almost ready to leave. There was going to be an attack in three days. Zenith had been one of the dragons scouting around and looking out for any enemies. Storm, there are Magicians and Dragon Riders approaching quickly! They're cutting through the forest!

I snarled at nothing, I could see the dragons around me slightly surprised. We will not run from this battle, I looked around at the dragons around me. They were all here, Thea and I have long suspected there is a betrayer in our midst. One of you must be them, I will no longer not mention this. If one of you against us, speak now or I will find out later and it will not be pretty then!

Thea narrowed her eyes at the riders around her; they were standing next to us at this moment. "I stand with Storm, this has happened too often to be coincidence."

The dragons and riders shifted among themselves, most looking at each other unsurely now. I scanned each dragon, one by one, before my eyes landed on the last dragon who was next to me – Igraine. Igraine was glaring at Ala, her rider. Igraine? I questioned softly, connecting the dots and seeing how it all made sense.

Igraine shook her head and roared, snarling half at her rider and half at the rest of us. I never wanted this! You must understand this! She pleaded, stepping towards me. I stepped back, Thea stepping back with me. Storm, please! This isn't my fault!

Then whose is it? I said with a growl, my tail thrashing around in anger. Because the only one responsible for your actions is you.

Igraine looked at Ala who nodded, "We'd been thinking over this for a while. We had no choice! They threatened to kill Igraine! They have been threatening this entire time!" Ala said, sounding almost hysterical. "We were turning on them! We've been feeding them false information for a few days! But they figured it out! I swear they did! We didn't know they were coming!"

A determined look crossed Ala's face and she mounted Igraine. "We'll make this right, I swear." Igraine took off without another word, leaving the rest of us standing around stunned.

I turned to Thea, we won't let this rest as it is. Come on Thea let's go catch them. Thea nodded and mounted.

Storm, think about what you're doing! Rolland called.

I'm going to make sure the Magicians and Dragon Riders don't catch us, head to the capital now. I said, we will be back, I promise you all that.

"We'll hold you to that Storm." Ademar said, I nodded and leapt into the sky. The day had started off being sunny and windy, and none of that had changed. But unlike earlier, the sun no longer seemed gentle, warm, kind, and welcoming. Now it was cold, hard, and harsh. The wind was pushing me in every direction, an unorganised mess that was hard to fly in. I could feel Thea gripping on, finding it difficult to stay on as I tried my hardest to stay at a level height.

I let out a soft roar as I continued pushing myself forward, I could feel Thea's hurt and anger meld with my own and I found the strength needed to push forward. I couldn't see Igraine, probably Ala hiding her with magic, but I could sense her mind. Thea and I hid our minds as we continued chasing the pair; it was one of the many things, which the twin riders and dragons had taught us.

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