Chapter 2

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"April...! How about this one?"

"Noo... that is too bright."

Lily shrugged before asking the attendant to get another one. Lily and April came out shopping for some bonding time. Lily loves April and April does too, well sometimes. But there are times when she absolutely hate this for example when she is with her father. She feels as if she have to share her father. Her Grandmom, Martha also told her that sometimes you have to share your dad with Lily.

April eyes fell on the little blue colour dress, " That one!" She said making lily to turn towards her.

'Finally' Lily thought, she was waiting for two hours in the same boutique.

April stood beside Lily like a Queen while Lily was paying for their shopping haul.

"What do you want to do next?" Lily asked, bending down to April's height.

"Icecream" April replied grinning. Lily just smiled at her while taking her hand and walking towards the nearest icecream parlour.


"What flavour do you want it in young one?" The lady behind the counter asked April.

"Three scoops of Vanilla ice cream with some chocolate chip toppings please" April said giving her order. Lily stared at April, it felt as if Sharon gave the order. That's exactly something Sharon would order. 'Like mother like daughter.'

"For you ma'am?" The lady asked bringing Lily out her thoughts.

"Just a small scoop of black current please."

Both of them sat on one of the tables from where there was wonderful sight of busy newyork afternoon.

April was going through her Children magazine and Lily was observing her, She mostly looks like Chris except for her blonde hair which she inherited from Sharon. Though sometimes she behaves like Sharon the girl is nothing like Sharon in looks.
Sharon, the guilt that rises up Lily's throat every time she think of Sharon is real. What happened four years back was... was... something she can't change. What's happening right now is something she wanted ever since she laid her eyes on Chris. But was the price worth it? She knew it was too late to think about it and it's time to move on and embrace her future she wanted for long time.

"You are creeping me, Davis" April said making a bored face.

"Well... I'm sorry was thinking something."

"It better be a plan to drop out of the trip." April said.

"You know all my plans would never work out in front Martha, right?"

"I know. " she said in a detached time and continued "but a girl can dream".

Lily smiled at her. " I promise you will have your time with your father, I will not come in between."

April just nodded.


"Chase... No.... please put it down. That is Persian glass sweety ... it would cost half of my salary" Mira said fearing that the Persian glass doll piece would fall and break into pieces.

" No... not .. give me ... new toy" he said throwing a very big tantrum.

"Chase baby I would love to give you that but your mommy said you will not have one untill end of the week."

Chase made a face and placed the doll back. Mira phewed tugging her hair behind her ears.

"I want the toy" Chase said after Mira made him sit on the couch and tugging him in some blanket.

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