Chapter 4

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Chris was happy. His meeting went really good if it goes as he has planned he would open a new venture. He checked his phone immediately after coming out of the conference room. He frowned. There was no message from either April  nor lily.

"Laura.. were there any calls for me?" He asked stoping by his P.A's desk.

"Yes Mr.Vanderwood.Your mother called she asked you to call back." Laura said checking her note pad.

"Okay.Thankyou Laura . Ask Mr.Gerran to meet me immediately and is my Car ready?"

"Yes sir... your luggage as well as your chauffeur both are ready." She replied smiling.

"Okay then... see you after my vacation" Chris told Laura giving her a small smile.

"Have a safe journey and wonderful vacation Mr.Vanderwood."she replied.

Chris briefed Mr.Gerran about what all is to be done when he is on his vacation it's a one whole month vacation. He was looking forward for the trip it's been a long time he took one.

"If any problem contact me immediately "

Mr.Gerran nodded his head and wished Chris goodbye.

Chris rushed towards his car as he was busy dailling his Mom."Yes, Mom."

"Ah.. Chris..Did you start?"

"Yes Mom. I just started. Laura told you wanted me to call you back? "he asked.

"Oh.. yes. I just wanted to tell you.." Martha hesitated "... take care of lily"

Chris frowned immediately. What does she mean take care of lily.?!

"What..?" He asked.

"What I mean is this vacation is not only for April but also remember it's a wonderful time you got to spend with lily before wedding"

"Mom... " Chris tried to cut her.

"Donot Mom me Chris. I want you to be happy with April and lily and my future grandkids."

Chris rolled his eyes at the last comment. He was still not sure himself why he was marrying Lily the main reason was to provide mother for April. So getting her pregnant was not in his list for a long time.

"Mom, I have reached Airport I will talk to you later" he said and cut the call.

Lily would be nothing but mother for April. She can be nothing. His heart still belongs to the certain blonde who used to smile at him every time their eyes met. The woman whom he used to kiss sense lessly. The woman he lost. The woman without whom his life seems meaningless. The woman he couldnt find from past four years.

Chris heavied a sigh. 'Where are you?' He thought.

"Sir.. your luggage is ready."

Chris nodded his head in acknowledgement.


He missed April already and lately because of this new project he couldnt spend more time with her. Atleast this trip should makeup for all the loss. He heard about Ohio is a very beautiful place. He asked Laura to book small mansion for their one month stay. His thoughts were disturbed by phone ringing.

It said Lily calling.


"Chris... where are you?" She asked.

"Just landed on my way to the mansion. Where is April?"

"She is dead asleep... must have been tired from the long flight."

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