Chapter 10

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"Don't act all innocent Sharon. I won't let you have Chris this time. Get that straight. Quit all the games you are playing. I know you and that old hag are planning something. Just quit already. He left you and came to me four years back because he realised you weren't worth it. He choose me over you. And she will do the samething at any given point of time"
She completed her monologue.

Sharon couldn't control her laugh. Lily frowned immediately.

"Not even for a second until now I thought of getting back with Chris. And I believe I deserve more than a cheating ass like him and a backstabbing slut like you. I don't care what you both do. And as of the old hag you are talking about she is my Grandmother and the host of the party, if you speak ill of her I will make sure to kick you out of not only my house but also the house you are living in." Sharon threatened before going out with glasses in her hand.

Chris was starting to get worried now, why would Lily follow her inside, is she mad? The moment he saw Sharon walk out of the kitchen with a little glint in her eyes he knew something happened. Lily followed her few seconds later her face a little sullen. Chris looked up at Lily and tried to read her. As soon as his eyes met hers , she gave him a small smile.  Chris returned the smile as she sat back in the chair next to him.. She must have missed her best friend. The same way you missed the love of your life. His heart said.

Sharon felt proud of herself, she would never break down into tears and cry, beg to get back with Chris. As she said she doesnt want him.. she would have nothing to do with him. Or atleast that whats she convinced herself. But why does her heart ache when she saw chris rubbing his palm on lily's back.

"mommy look!" chase called pulling sharon of her thoughts.

"Yes baby... "

"I am good boy eating" he said putting a spoonful of food in his mouth. Sharon smiled at her boy " very good sweetheart" she said.

There was this unknown tension surrounding only the clicks of their spoons and forks could be heard. "So... Chris what do you do?" Joe asked.

"I own a small finance  company back home" he said trying his best to be civil with the guy because his eyes were on Sharon the moment he walked.

"Small?" Lily scoffed "don't act to modest Chris. Sherry enterprise's is the one best Executive finance company according Rush magazine."

Sharon shifted in her Chair uncomfortably.  Memories hit her when for the very first time Chris showed her the board of "Sherry Enterprises ". She had tears in her eyes and repeatedly just said "you just did not name your business venture on me.' For which Chris just kissed her. 

"What do you do for living Lillian?" Momo asked.

"Please call me Lily. I used to work in a firm but recently I started working with Chris."

"So you both are married?" Joe asked casually while Sharon pretend to look at Chase who was picking his green veggies and just completely zoned out seeing her baby beside her.

"No.. we are getting married in 2 months" Lily said beaming at Joe. Chris's eyes immediately landed on Sharon who looked unaffected. 'Ofcourse She doesn't care' his subconscious mocks.

"Chase... didn't you just say you are a good boy donot pick that out. Eat it" Sharon said playfully glaring at him. Sharon's day would be less tiresome if the boy doesn't try to be too difficult when ever she tries to feed him. She had to do what not to just feed him two spoons. But gratefully may be they have guests that's why he was behaving a little and not decorating her with his food . Sharon's eyes landed on April who was looking at her but when their eyes met she immediately turned her eyes to the plate. Sharon's heart went out for her little angle. "Ďo you like it?" She asked.

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