Chapter 24

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It Is exactly 12 which means we entered my favourite day, 15th June.... It's my birthday today :) YAYYY!

NOTE: Small chapter... sorry!

Life brings many things.... but the best thing is a bond between mother and her children.


Sharon could barely walk as Chris helped her to get into the car. All the way home both of them kept silent. Each lost in their own thoughts. Chris could not believe Lilly would keep such a thing a secret. She knew how much he hated that night, she never spoke the truth. He felt betrayed. He felt anger. Sharon, on the other hand, didn't feel anything anymore, All she felt was emptiness.

"We are home," Chris said quietly.

Sharon nodded her head and took a breath before opening the door.

"Sharon..." Chris called but Sharon couldn't make herself look at him.

Both April and Chase looked at Sharon and their greetings were stuck in their throat's. She looked tired. Sick. "I'll be in my room." She muttered slowly.

No one stopped her as Sharon made her way towards her room.

"What happened to her?", Momo asked looking at Chris.

Before Chris could reply Chase kicked him on his shin, "You made mommy cry" he accused Chris before running after Sharon. April stood there wondering what has happened.

"Lilly and Sharon had a talk", Chris answered Momo.

"That girl is not leaving my Sharon alone," Momo muttered shaking her head.

"Did Lilly and mommy had a fight daddy?" April asked Chris.

Chris ruffled her hair but didn't say anything.

" Come, boy, you look like you could use a drink." Momo ushered Chris into the kitchen.

April gave a chuckle looking at her father's confused face. She sat around for few seconds before she followed Chase towards Sharon's room.


Sharon slipped off her jeans and wore a Short lying on the floor. She fell on her bed and blankly looked at her ceiling. Her eyes teared up.

" Mommy, Why are you crying?" Chase asked her.

Sharon didn't know what to tell him, she herself was not sure why she was crying, was she crying for her lost time in Aprils life or Chris's in chase's life... or her lost time with the one person whom she promised to live happily forever.

Chase climbed onto the bed and snuggled closer to Sharon, " chase.." Sharon started but chase placed his little fingers on her lips as if asking her not to give any explanation. it is always a wonder to Sharon how Chase could sense her feelings. she cuddled her boy closer.

her silent tears soaking his Tshirt, "I am so sorry,Chase. mommy is so sorry."

Chase just placed a sloppu kiss on her nose, "I love you mommy"

sharon let a chuckled cry, " I love you too baby so much."

They both heard a knock on the door, April was standing there. "Can I come in?" before sharon could say anything april continued, "May be i'll come later."

"Beanie... come in." sharon said gesturing her to occupy ither side. April made herself comfortable beside sharon while chase adjusted his head on Sharons chest so that he could see both Sharon and april. "You are sick?"April asked concerned.

sharon shook her head in a no. "You are not feeling well..?" Sharon gave april a small smile.

"Im so sorry April.. im so sorry." she said pulling April close.. April gave a look to sharon and nodded her head as if accepting her apology.

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