Chapter 10

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The Lunar remained in orbit above Mayia, waiting for Major Pattisson to conclude his mission.

Captain Ivanov sent his teams down to the planet on rotation to assist with operations on the ground - it kept his men usefully occupied and helped the local forces. Duran remained confined to the ship but it wasn't long before Lieutenant Alexander found himself a member of the team sent to investigate the Wilderness Retreat, under the leadership of Captain Tazi. Academic research had got them as far as it could, now they needed to physically examine the area.

They interviewed the resort staff again, in person, and used heat seeking devices to scan the surrounds. No one reported seeing the men since Fraser last holidayed there six months ago, but there were lots of places one or two campers could hole up for several months without anyone being aware of their presence. It was wild country, much of it only accessible by air or foot.

On the second day, one of Alexander's team on an aerial patrol spotted a couple of men high up in the mountains about ten kilometres away from Wilderness Retreat. Edwards had only seen them for a brief moment before they disappeared, as if they had gone underground.

"That's a distinct possibility," agreed Tazi, "This area is riddled with caves. We'll take a flier up there in half an hour. Check that everyone has adequate dress and supplies for a hike will you, Lieutenant?" he asked Alexander. "We'll have to land about a kilometre away and go the rest of the way on foot."

The Lieutenant spared a moment's gratitude that the type of fliers Beledi had were silent, unlike some older models which anyone could hear coming for several kays. Hiking through thick scrub was not his favourite activity.

An hour later he was pushing through thick clumps of golden flowering broom and white tea tree, along with three other men. A check of the resort records had shown no-one was supposed to be in the area, a fact which encouraged Captain Tazi to go ahead with the reconnaissance, so here they all were.

Tazi was an experienced bushman, unlike the Lieutenant, and he was happy to have him leading the way. When they drew near to the spot where the men had been sighted, Tazi left the group to scout ahead, he would be much faster alone and had already arranged with Alexander that they would wait quietly out of sight until he returned. Tazi vanished noiselessly into the scrub. The others sat down to wait, quietly watchful.

It was at least an hour before the Captain returned. "There are two men in the caves all right. Unfortunately I didn't get a visual, only a heat reading, so I can't tell if they're our targets but I think it's worth checking them out. It doesn't feel right to me - cavers in particular are usually very careful to notify the local resort of their plans in case of accidents."

Alexander nodded in agreement, that made sense.

Tazi continued, "Please check that your weapons are set on the lowest stun, if it turns out they are only inexperienced campers we'll apologise later." He waited as they all did so. "I'd like to take one man with me into the caves, and leave the other two outside, in case they double back. Do any of you have any experience in caving?"

Private Evans spoke up, "I used to do a bit in my teens, sir, but nothing recent."

"You'll do," said Tazi, then added as an afterthought, "If that's all right with you, Lieutenant?" Although Tazi had overall leadership, the Lunar's men were still technically under Alexander's command.

"You're the expert here, sir, whatever you think is best." Alexander had no problems handing over control to the Captain, he liked what he had seen of him so far, he was both competent and intelligent.

Tazi and Evans disappeared into the scrub. Alexander waited with Edwards for a few moments to let them get clear then followed in their path as quietly as they could. When they reached the cave mouth there was no-one else in sight. They took up position, one either side of the entrance, each shielded from the direct line of sight of anyone coming out of the cave.

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