Nine: Replay and Remember

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When school finally came to an end I dashed to detention needing to talk to Jaycen as soon as possible.

We need to verify if Sydney is the soon-to-be-alpha's mate. If so we have to protect her. Nothing can happen to Sydney.

Sydney was not only my best friend, but she was practically my sister. We had known each other since the age of eleven when we when met each other in middle school. My first time in a school not completely composed of werewolves.

Years Ago

"Class, today we have a new student joining our class, her family just moved here. Now, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher spoke gently to the little girl.

A small blonde-haired girl with a big ponytail stood beside the teacher shyly. She had big dark green eyes that somehow managed to radiate at the same time. She smiled shyly, fiddling with the long sleeves of her dress.

"Go on tell us your name and tell us four facts about yourself."

After glancing around the room once again petite Sydney finally spoke. "My name's Sydney Watkins. I was born in Washington, I play the guitar and the piano, I enjoy taking photos, and my favorite ice cream is Heath Cookie dough."

I thought, Heath Cookie dough, that's not even real!? She's a liar.

"Thank you Sydney, now you can sit next to Mathew over there. Raise your hand, Mathew."

I raised my hand cautiously. I didn't want a human sitting next to me.

Sydney's eyes snapped to me and she flashed me a smile. She walked over and sat beside me.

"I'm Sydney," she tried introducing herself warmly.

I ignored her. She frowned and turned in her seat.

She smells nice though.

That would be weird to tell her. She would think I'm weird too and she would be mean to me. It's because I'm a werewolf that I'm so weird. If I was human I wouldn't be.

These thoughts dampened my already bad mood.

The teacher rambled on about an assembly that was going to occur later.

"Psss...Psss..." I heard.

The scent of salt and cheddar piqued my interest. Turning I saw Sydney with a small baggy filled to the brim with Goldfish.

"Do you want some?" She asked kindly.

Nobody is usually this nice to me.

Glancing back at the teacher, I hesitantly nodded.

She grabbed a handful and place it in my cupped hands.

Together we sat there sneaking bits of Goldfish quietly.


After that day, Sydney would come with a small offering and over time we slowly talked. We grew to become best friends over the years.

When I arrived at detention I saw Sydney sitting alone and staring at something in her binder.

"Hey, what are you up to?" I asked sliding into the seat beside her.

Sydney's blonde head popped up as she looked over at me. "Nothing, just looking over that new music we are going to perform at the Café on Friday."

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