Thirty-Two Part 2: Performance Prep

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Once our band finished the crowd erupted into applause and cheers.

With a light chuckle, Lilith said, "Thank you, and have a good night!"

After that, the DJ threw on some mixed music and people went back to dancing and mingling. The band and I started cleaning up some of our things so Brendon and his band could get set up.

Once finished cleaning, Mat asked to talk to me.

"So what's up?" I asked him behind stage.

"Sydney you are going to be the Luciana of our pack. Our female leader. Even if you are new at it, you are important to everyone in the pack. And Syd let's face it I am your best looking best friend." He joked lightly. "But Sydney I'm being serious, I want you to be careful Syd. If this guy is working with Logan he's likely working with Elliot. And even though I've never really met this Logan guy, I know that Elliot is a seriously dangerous guy Syd."

"Okay Mat. I'll be safe."

"Okay, if we somehow lose you call me."

"But Ja-"

He rolled his eyes, "Fine call me or Jay. But the point is to call us. Don't go anywhere with him by yourself Sydney. You hear me? You only go with him through the right side exit to where Terrence and some of our other packmates all are held up but do not go anywhere else by-"

"By myself. Yes I know Mat. I'll be safe. Wouldn't want anything to happen to, me, your hottest most smartest bestie!"

"Haha." Mat mocked, "I think you got yourself mixed up with me. Now be safe Little Pup."

I snorted out a laugh at this new name, "I got to go on stage tell, Jay I say I miss him, will you? And you guys need to be careful too!"

Mat chuckled. "Yes, Sydney I will, on both accounts."

He turned and stalked off.

Still watching in the direction he disappeared a male voice behind me asked, "Hey Syd. You ready to go up?"

I turned around and saw Brendon leaning against the edge of the stage.

Swallowing hard I nodded. "Yep."

He smiled his shy one and said, "Ok then. Thanks for coming and filling in for Jim."

"It's all good. How is he?" I asked crossed arms walking onto stage with him.

"Alright from what I hear. His mom won't let us visit, says it's contagious."

I grimaced at this and Brendon saw.

"Yeah, we all just know he doesn't want to see him without his hair all jelled up."

I laughed then said disappointedly, "Yep. Jim and his hair product."

Rich-the percussionist of the band-was sitting in his drum set tightening and tuning things up. The pianist-Oliver-was clicking around on the sound options on the top of the keyboard so he knew what one he would have to choose if he had to have on a special effect sound.

Oliver and I were closer then Rich and I. Oliver and I always had a little joke about who was the better piano player.

"Why isn't it the famous Sydney Watkins." The pianist joked.

"And isn't it the infamous Mr. Sucks-a-Lot."

Rich burst into laughter saying, "Olly you didn't tell me you dig the male species."

Oliver turned bright red and hit Rich in the shoulder.

"Hey, bitch what was that for?" Rich asked holding the back of his head.

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