Fifty-Four: Pandemonium

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My breath held as the person entered my room closing my door behind him. The boards creaked as he moved closer and closer to the bed.

Just as I prepared to scream my heart out and fight my way to the door the voice spoke again.

"Cinderella, it's me, Terrence. You awake?"

He came into the moonlight leaking through my window. His eyes were squinted a he looked for me in the massive bed.

I released my heavy breath relieved that it wasn't a murder. "Jesus I thought you were some psycho murder coming to kill me, Terrence!"

My heart started to slow again to its normal rate and stopped pounding in my chest.

Terrence laughed and laid down across the bottom of my bed.

"Ahh, sorry to disappoint, Cinderella."

I ignored that last part and asked, "So don't mind me, but what are you doing here?"

"Jay knows you are angry at him so he didn't think it would be best for him to come crawling in your bed so he sent me to sleep on your floor in front of your door. Something about being a literal barricade for your room."

Both confused and amused I asked, "Yeah but why?"

He turned serious, "He doesn't like this place. Something's off. He didn't want you to be alone."

"'Something's off' meaning all the crazy people and the void of personality in this place?" I offered.

Terrence laughed whole heartily shaking the bed. "Something like that. Hey, was someone in here earlier that you know of?" He asked.

I looked to him, "There was Stacy letting me in and this younger butler guy dropped my stuff off but that's about it. Why?"

Terrence looked as if he was thinking. "Nothing, just wondering."

I nodded, but I knew that he wasn't telling the truth.

"Well, I'm going to make myself a makeshift bed, just go to sleep okay, Cinderella?"

"No, I feel bad making up sleep on the ground. You can sleep on the bed too, I guess..." I offered awkwardly.

"I'll take the bottom then. I don't need Jay ripping my head off. I got a mate to return to." Terrence said.

I laughed, "Well alright then."

I tossed him the pillow that I wasn't using and he kicked up the decorative blanket to sleep under.

"Night Cin,"

"Night Ter,"

With that, we collapsed into silence then eventually sleep.


The next day when I woke up Terrence was in the bathroom making a call assumingly to Jaci.

I twisted in my bed to find a clock but found nothing.

Rolling out of bed I let my feet swing to the floor and got out of bed.

Terrence came out of the bathroom and saw me awake.

"Good morning Cinderella. Sleep good?" He asked real chipper.

"As good as you can in a new place. And you? It must be extremely difficult to sleep when you keep texting and calling your girlfriend," I hinted chuckling.

Terrence blushed, "Whatever. I'm going to head downstairs and get us some breakfast."

"Okay, I'll come with," I said getting ready to head to the door.

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