Eighteen: Secret Places & Explanations

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Jaycen killed an innocent girl? Why? His whole pack slaughtered another just because of one mistake?

The room was spinning.

"Sydney?" Jaycen asked approaching me carefully.

"Sydney, are you okay?" Mat asked cautiously.

It felt like I was swimming from the deep of a pool and kicking towards the surface. The pressure slowly easing and I could start to hear and see more clearly.

I exploded. "How the hell am I supposed to be fucking okay when I hear my supposed 'mate' and best friend joined together in their cult and slaughtered a group of people because of one mistake!?"

Walking backward I tried to space myself from the three men. I noted now that the voice in my head was unusually silent.

"Syd please calm down. We can explain everything. You're new to this trust me, I-" I cut my 'best friend' off.

"Trust you!? Fucking trust you!? You must be fucking kidding me!" I snapped at Mat.

The boys in the room, including Terrence, seemed to slouch and not look me in the eye. Nobody said anything.

"That's it. I'm done with this, and you can't keep me here. I'm going home and telling my mom what happened last night and reporting it to the police." I started up the stairs to Jaycen's room to collect my things.

"What do you mean you're done?" Jaycen asked stomping right behind me. Mat was right on his tail.

Once in his room, I snatched up my phone and the shreds that were left of my clothes from last night's blurry events.

"I mean is I'm done with this shit. I don't need to get into it. I don't need a fucking 'mate.' I don't need a fucking psychotic wolf stalking me in the bathroom and in my dreams. I don't need a pack that kills people around me. I don't need a best friend that lies to me. And I don't need to stick around here to see if some guy who's seeking revenge on you, to come and hurt me!" I finished.

Jaycen and Mat growled at me, for the reason to I was clueless.

Because they don't like you yelling at them, and they don't like the thought of us getting hurt. The voice intervened.

Well, they can fuck off. If I am in danger I supposedly have you don't I?

There was a hesitation. Sydney, we're not trained.

How the hell is that a problem? You're a wolf, aren't you? Not waiting for an answer I went on. You have wildness in your soul or some crap like that so you should be able to protect me.

My wolf sighed. Sydney that's not how it works.

Then how the hell does it work!? I cried.

"Sydney, you're not leaving," Jaycen said firmly.

"The hell I'm not." I threatened. "Now move out of my way."

As I moved to go around Jaycen, he moved and blocked me.

"I said move," I said growling through my teeth.

Jaycen grabbed me and slammed me into his chest.

"Sydney, you are not leaving. That's an order." I felt a growl rumble and vibrate through his chest.

Despite my desperate need to shove him away and walk around him and right out of this house, it was like my muscles were locked and refused to cooperate.

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