Chapter Twenty

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We were out in the forest, ready to start training. What was he going to teach us in such a short period of time? 

"Training starts now!" Kakashi states. "First we'll start with a review on chakra." I internally groaned. Yes, yes, I know all this already! Can't we just get started? "Chakra is the ninjas basic source of power.  Understanding Chakra is essential."

"We know that." Sasuke states boredly.

"He's right." Naruto agrees. Gasp! Naruto and Sasuke... getting along? "A long time ago we learned about, uh, catra." Face palm.

"Chakra. Go ahead Sakura, explain." Sakura explains, all of which I drown out. It mostly consisted of what I already knew and her insulting Naruto and swooning over Sasuke. 

"You're right on all points, Sakura," Kakashi complimented, "Iruka-sensei really did have some excellent students."

"Ha!" Sakura preened under his attention. Well, eff you too, Sakura. I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm myself. I buried my emotions and gave her a closed eyed smile. 

"What's with all these explanations?!? Isn't the point to learn the jutsu?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto's right for once," Sasuke concurred. "We're already using chakra energy in our jutsu."

"NO! You haven't mastered this power, you've barely scratched the surface of it."

"What do you mean!?!" Naruto shouted. I wish he would shut up and let sensei explain. 

"Calm down and listen. It's just like Sakura said. You have to draw on physical and spiritual energy and then combine them within yourself." He went on with another lengthy explanation to, which I actually listened to. Because, unlike Sakura, Sensei might have something to say that's worth listening to.

"You have to train so hard that controlling you chakra becomes second Nature. You have to be ready to put your life on the line." He tried to scare us.

"But... what do we have to do?" Sakura asked.

"Haha. Climb a tree." He said, laughing. I resisted rolling my eyes. Or, you could just fly to the top of the tree. 

"Climb a tree?" They all asked in unison. It was kind of scary. 

"Yes. That's what I said. But there's one rule... No hands." He teased. I frowned. As I said, you could just fly to the top. I sighed. But this will help me control my chakra, so I'm all for it. 

"What? You're kidding." Sakura said.

"Am I?" Kakahsi questioned, then proceeded to climb a tree. Once he was at the top, he turned to us. "Well, you get the idea. Focus your chakra to the soles of you're feet, and use it to connect to the tree." He threw kunais at each of us. "Mark how high you get in each tree. Good luck." He smirks slightly.

I grabbed the kunai. I would be able to do this. I made the hand sign, concentrating. I felt everyone run at a tree, but didn't open my eyes. I couldn't get the balance of physical and spiritual chakra right for some reason.

Naruto used to little chakra, Sasuke used to much. Sakura used the right amount, but didn't have enough to go very far. I sighed and sat down. Why wasn't I able to draw on my chakra correctly. After a couple of minutes, I hear footsteps near me. 

"Having trouble?" Kakashi asked. I glared up at him, expecting him to make fun of me like he did to Sasuke and Naruto. But he had a kind expression on his face, so I just sighed and nodded, releasing my hand sign. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

I rubbed my forehead. "I don't know why I can't do this. I used to be really good at controlling my chakra. Now it's like I can't even draw on it! The physical chakra comes easy, but the spiritual... It's almost like it's stuck inside me!"

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