Chapter Thirty Two

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Am I me?

I was floating in darkness, not worried about ever waking up. That same question rang through my head.

Am I me?

Am I just something Orochimaru created? Did he make me, everything from my personality to what I look like? Is he controlling me now? Did he create me, knowing one day I would wonder about this very question?

Am I me?

Speaking of which, what makes me.... me?

Is it my hair? The dark browns, the lighter highlights, falling down to my back? 

Is it my wings, browns and blacks and tans stretched out in there twelve feet of glory?

Or is it how I feel, how I react to different situations. The way I'm untrusting but care, and will stand by my teammates, no matter what?

Is it the way my heart breaks a little more every time I'm called an outsider, when people look at me with those eyes...

What is it? Why do I exist? Am I just an experiment?

And how does one fact shake my footing, my faith, my beliefs so much? I thought I had it all figured out, but a little truth in my world of lies throws everything upside down. I felt as though I was falling, falling through my own mind, spinning out into oblivion.

And I have nothing to keep me grounded.

But there was a light in my darkness. Naruto's voice shining through. "C'mon, Keira-chan! We need you!"

Sakura's voice came next. "Let's be friends. A clean slate?"

"Hn...She has her own way of showing how much she cares. We'll always protect her," Sasuke.

I hear another voice though. I felt as though I vaguely recognized it. It was raspy, deep, yet childish. It held emotion as vast as the ocean. "You still haven't found me, Kiko-chan!" It called gleefully. "Just remember; the closer you look, the less you see!" 

A wave of nostalagia burst over me. I didn't even know this person... but I felt as though I needed them. Why? Who was that person to me? I needed to find them. I needed to know who they were. But for now, I needed to protect my teammates... my friends.

It was time I woke up.


When I woke, the first thing I heard was the sound of punching. "Get this crazy b*tch off of me!" Someone cried out. Oh, he must be talking about Sakura... I sit up, trying to ignore my pounding head and dry mouth. 

I look to the side, seeing Sakura being beat up by a Sound nin. I'm suddenly wide awake. Always hated waking up to a fight, I thought into Sakura's head, then sprinted over, grabbing the Sound nins next punch. 

I was slow from the poison, but still managed to get there very quickly. "Is there a problem?" I asked slowly, mockingly. I begin to tighten my hold on his fist, feeling the bones grind together. Sakura collapsed to the side, and I stepped on the arm she had been biting.

I chuckle darkly. "Mmm, picking on my teammates? My friend? I don't like it," I his, then stomp on his arm, breaking it. 

"Aaahhh!" He screamed in pain. I smirk slightly at the sound. It was nice to feel in control. "So, Sakura-chan, do you think you can handle the girl?"

She looked at me in shock. "Just remember your chakra control," I give her a closed eyed smile. "I have faith in you, Sakura-chan!" She nods, but before we can do anything, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji appear in front of us. 

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