Chapter Twenty Two

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I knew that I would get no sleep that night, so I went to the forest to train. Apparently Naruto had the same idea, because he was there as well, running up the tree. I waited until he fell back down to call to him.

"Hello, Naruto-kun." I greeted.

"Ah! Keira chan! Have you come to train?" He asked. I nodded with a closed eyed smile.

'Yeah. Any advice you could give me?" I asked sweetly.

"Well, Sakura-chan, she's really good at this, said the key was to remain calm, not get all worked up!" He replied. I nodded, and sprinted up the tree. I made it farther than Sasuke and Naruto. "Wow, Keira-chan, you're really good!" Naruto complimented.

I laughed slightly. "No, I didn't even use chakra for that. It was just wall running, something every genin knows." I reply.

"Oh." He nods. "You totally got me, though. I thought you were using chakra." I create the hand sign to focus my chakra. Breath in, breathe out, send it down the pathway to your feet. Breathe in, breathe out, concentrate on nothing else. Breathe in, breathe out, everything fades away

My eyes shoot open. Now! I run to the tree, sprinting up. I got higher than Sakura did the first time, almost to the top, when my chakra wavered then collapsed. I fell, hearing Naruto's yell of panic. I nearly shot my wings out from pure instinct, but remembered not to.

I push chakra to my hands and feet, grasping the tree bark and slowing my fall. I slid to a complete stop inches from the ground. Whew. That was a close one. "Good catch, Keira-chan. I was so worried!" He yelled.

I put my feet on the ground. I did well for the first time, but it wasn't good enough for me. I wanted to be able to walk up the tree and hang upside down like Kakashi. I do the hand sign, concentrating. I put one foot up, then the other. Walking slowly like Kakashi was able to.

I made it up as high as Sasuke has gotten, maybe a third of the way up the tree, before my chakra flow was disrupted and I fell again. I flipped backwards, landing with one hand on the ground to steady myself. This was harder than it looked.

I kept practicing, even after Naruto decided to rest. He left for a clearing a ways away so I wouldn't disrupt his sleep. That was about three hours ago, it's about 5 a.m now. Maybe I should go check on him.

Soon Sasuke arrived. I greeted him with a nod and continued working. She's so deditcated, never distracted when she's training. Sasuke thought. I smirked slightly, walking up again. I could make it past Sasuke's mark while walking now.

I made it all the way to where Sakura could running. I walked to a branch, took a deep breath, and stepped out onto it... upside down. I smiled in victory as I walked all the way to the end of the branch and back to the trunk, defying gravity.

I jumped down, Sasuke watching. "Naruto left to rest about three hours ago," I inform him, "I was just about to go check up on him." He nodded, and we both made our way to the clearing. 

 Sasuke and I walk through the slightly misty forest in silence. We finally came across the clearing, only to see Naruto staring into thin air in shock. He turned to me, eyes wide. "Are you a girl, Keira-chan?" He asked.

I crossed my arms. "I thought we already had this conversation when Tazuna-san insulted you, Naruto-kun. Do I look like a guy to you?" He rapidly shook his head.

“But neither did sh… he.” He muttered. I raised my eyebrows, but left it at that.

We traveled back to the clearing, Sasuke and Naruto glaring at each other the entire way. They certainly have a peculiar relationship. We sense Sakura and Kakashi coming, so Naruto sprints up the tree to impress her.

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