Chapter Thirty Five

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That was all that I was aware of.

It was as though every molecule of me was being torn apart, and sewn together again.

Like every inch of my body was being branded.

As though I was being stretched in a thousand different directions.

As though I was being compressed to the size of a pin.

As though every pain receptor was being stabbed with a knife.

As though I was walking through hell itself.

For the longest time, this is all I knew. Pain.

Pain is a strange thing. It's impossible to truly describe, to capture in words. 

Pain is... red. It has spots of black. It has stabbing yellows, and glows of purple and blue.

It tastes metalic. Coppery.

It smells kind of like... electricity.

It can take the sound of several different things.

Some pain is screaming. It demands too be heard.

This pain is a constant howling, screeching, shrieking, wailing.

But some pain is the quiet whimper, the hidden sob.

It's a soft cry, only let loose during the darkest part of the night.

I think that kind of pain, the silent kind, is the worst.

You hide it deep within yourself, and it eats you away from the inside out.

But the pain I was feeling now... It was indescribable.

Then the pain stopped.

It didn't fade. It just.... ceased to exist. As though it had never been there in the first place. 

After the pain had stopped, the first thing I noticed was all the minds. I could sense every single mind in Konoha without being overwhelmed.

I could sense Naruto, just down the hall. 

I could sense Shikamaru in his room.

I could sense Lee a few doors away.

I could sense nurses throughout the entire building. 

And I could sense the Hokage standing at the foot of my bed.

I shoot up and out of bed, faster then  had meant to, and bowed to the Hokage. "Sit down, don't over exert yourself," He sighed. I did as he asked, lying back down in my bed. I felt fine though. Better then fine. I felt... remade. 

I looked to the side, seeing three fresh flowers in a vase... for me?

"Keira..." He began.

"You want to know what's happened, you personally trust me, but you want proof... and you discovered something?" I said, reading his mind easily.

He isn't shaken at all. "Keira, while you were hear, we've discovered many things about you. Things that you didn't tell us about," He said. "This is a crime. To be able to stay in the village, you need to be truthful with me," 

I stare at him suspiciously. "What exactly did you 'discover'?" I asked.

"Wings," He stated bluntly.

"Oh..." I stretch my wings out to their full twelve feet. "You mean these?" I ask, making sure not to hit anything with them.

He nods, staring in wonder. "Your bones... the nurses also realized they are extremely light and hollow. Also, when they further examined you, the discovered you five senses were much more attuned then normal," He told me.

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