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I stood looking at the two coffins, my face emotionless. My brother, B/N, however was a wreck. He kept sobbing. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. This was the second funeral this year. A few months ago we lost our grandparents on our father's side. Which also made B/N an emotional wreck. He just cares for people too much. Don't get me wrong. The deaths affected me as well, but I don't like to cry in front of people. Not my thing.


The funeral ended and I rode in the limo home with B/N and our butler, Alastair. His blonde hair was combed back and he wore a black suit, usually he wore a white one.... But it's inappropriate to wear white to a funeral.

The limo pulled up outside our huge house and Alastair opened the door for B/N and I. We stepped out in silence.

"I miss them." B/N muttered staring at the ground.

"Me too." I said softly and walked away to my room. I plopped face down onto my bed and let out a sigh. I swear if one more person says 'I'm sorry' I'm going to punch them in the face. It's not like 'I'm sorry' makes it okay.

I looked around my room. Everything was F/C.... Maybe I should change things up. Nah. Too much work.

Knock Knock

I looked over to my door. "Miss L/N?" A familiar voice asked. Alastair.

"Yes?" I asked making my way to the door. I placed my hand on the knob and turned it.

"B/N has decided it would be best to move away. He feels he holds too many painful memories in this place." Alastair said. I was shocked. Move? I had never moved.

America is where I grew up. It's what I was used to.... Where were we moving? I only knew three languages. English, French, and Japanese.

"Alright." I said to Alastair. "Where to?"

"Japan." He said. I internally fan girled. I love Japan! I nodded and shut my door. I did my little happy dance and ran to my wardrobe to pack. Sure it was a sad day, but I can be happy.

A/N: Yeah, I know it was short but.... It's all I could manage for now.
Thanks for reading and until next time! ~Faith ♥

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