Chapter 21 - "What - How - Who - My Virgin Eyes!"

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Hey, can you see that orange button in the corner?

Yeah, that little star. That's the one.

Now, can u plssssss click it?

I know you didn't do it still.

Pfft. Okay then.... :/

But if u have clicked it already, then I effing love you.

Chapter 21 - "What — How — Who — My Virgin Eyes!"

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Chapter 21 - "What — How — Who — My Virgin Eyes!"

"Oh, C'mon! It's my house that's drowned, and you're having a long face?"

"It's...It's nothing," I turn away from her, shouldering my bag tighter, quickening my pace.

"Micajah, What's the matter?" I can feel her tugging at a belt hanging from my bag, trying to turn me to face her.

"Please, Nicole. I'm not in the mood," I sigh and walk faster, implying that I don't want to be in anyone's company right now. She picks up my sullen mood and doesn't say anything, thankfully leaving me alone.

What can I say to her anyway?

That Seneca threw me against a wall and kissed me all over, before leaving me all of a sudden, and is now giving me the cold-shoulder?

Yeah, not gonna happen.

I pass the open doors of Mr. Devon's AP Maths classroom before I could think twice about it. Only then I realize that I've entered into uncharted territory, where I'm all alone.

I scan the classroom in a quick second and see Beta Ezra and Seneca already there in their respective places, heads bent together in some sort of conversation. — surprisingly early today.

Do they have the same schedule or something?

I hesitate for a second, but push all thoughts to the back of my mind, steeling myself as I walk to my desk.

As I near them, my developing senses pick up on the words they're passing back and forth.

"So, what are you trying to say?" Beta Ezra hisses in a low voice.

"What I'm telling is, There is no way the Alridge Dam would've broken on its own! It must've been Daemon—"

"No way, our security—"

I clear my throat loudly, announcing my arrival before the two of them could go on about something they wouldn't want me to know, and then label me as something for something I didn't do.

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