Chapter 38 - "With Our Alpha Libido I Think We Can Go Up To Round Twelve."

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WARNING: *Cough* Erm, *cough* yeah. U know what I mean.


Chapter 38 – "With Our Alpha Libido, I Think We Can Go Up To Round Twelve."

I don't know how many hours or minutes have passed by.

"Um, Seneca?"

"Mm." She breathes, skimming her lips down my neck as she places little kisses.

Yep, we're cuddling.

My breath hitches when she bites slightly. "W-Will you . . . Will you go on a date with me this Saturday?"

The implication of something more is clear as day in my sentence.

It's better than asking outright if she'd do the deed with me, right?

'Riiiight.' My Wolf drawls and I shove him to the back of my mind.

She freezes, her arms that are around my hips stiffening as she slowly pulls back—her face illuminated by the flashing television that's still playing the movie—looking at my eyes doubtfully. "Are you . . . uh," she swallows, her throat bobbing up and down, "Are you s-sure?"

"Surer than I've been about anything before." I say firmly, turning slightly to cup her cheeks, as I look into her eyes.

"Oh." She nibbles on her upper lip, "O-Okay." She says quickly, leaning forward and burying her head in my neck quickly.

I chuckle, "Okay, What movie were we watching again?"

She laughs as well, relaxing slightly as she rolls her eyes at me.

I laugh.


It's Saturday evening, and I'm adjusting the rolled-up sleeves of my brand new ink-blue shirt, checking the mirror for the hundredth time.

I'm in my old room, getting ready for the "Date".

Involuntary shivers wrack my body at the thought.

'Will she like me? Hate me? Will she—'

'Shut up. You're not that innocent that you're gonna fumble, and even if that happens, I'll take control.' My wolf declares, stopping me from mentally chastising myself.

'W-What?!' I exclaim back, shocked.

'I'm just stating the facts, Human. Nothing to be ashamed about.'


Beta Ezra strolls in at that moment, interrupting my thoughts like he owns the place—which in a sense he does, I guess—pulling his collar up slightly. "I sent everyone away." He informs me, as he perches on the corner of my bed. His fingers hold on tightly to the frame as he looks at me with a cool expression, the Beta in him taking the place of the awesome friend I had a few days ago.

That's getting more and more depressing.

I turn back to the mirror, examining myself. "Fine. Thanks." I smile, running my hands through my hair slightly, catching his gaze in the reflection, "How has your day been?"

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