Chapter 42 -"We'll Egg Daemon's Bugatti,"

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Micajah's PoV:

Chapter 42 -"We'll Egg Daemon's Bugatti,"


I don't know if I can describe this emotion with any other word.

I don't know if it was seconds or minutes later, but suddenly, the door flies open, and Seneca rushes in like she just discovered that there's an apocalypse about to break out in 5 minutes. I see that asshole Daemon following her in my peripheral vision, and distinctly register him trying to ask his Mate what happened.

"What's wrong!? Cage, are you alright!?" Seneca is a flurry of activity, alternating between checking my rapidly beeping heart-monitor and my paralyzed self, yelling for the doc in the process. Her panic and anxiety hits me like a tidal wave, but I can't—not for my lack of trying—do anything in this situation except revel in the new information I'd just received.

I rip my eyes away from my tear-streaked best friend's face, meeting my Mate's worried gray ones that are looking into my eyes with compassion and worry that makes my heart clench, finally pulling me out of the astonished haze.

And the next few minutes seems like a scene right out of a movie.

Because it doesn't take Seneca longer than 3 seconds to look into my eyes and know exactly what happened, because I didn't exactly put a block in the link between us.

And then like someone just hit the slow motion button of the universe, I watch helplessly as the grays of her eyes ignite with a flame, turning into a blue so cold it rivals the color of the deepest seas. Her fangs gleam white as her lips pull back in a sneer—a smile so sadistic, and unexpected—because I'd thought her next response would be a scowl; an outbreak of rage.

But instead, it was this . . . this callously wicked grin.

Which I feel is worse that a glare. "S-Seneca?"

And I see the Alpha Seneca I'd gotten a glimpse at when she's in control, an Alpha who's ruthlessness won her the power to rule over a Pack as big as ours.

In the next millisecond, before I could anticipate that my Alpha might do what she does next, she pounces on top of Nora, lithe as a lioness going after its prey, and the two of them land on the floor as the dingy chair gives out.

And then I feel her rage—and almost as if things finally fall right, the world comes back to normal speed again.

"Seneca, no!"

My plea falls on deaf ears, and that's when her passively vicious mask slips, revealing an Alpha pissed, and a growl so ominous and so proprietorial that it almost shakes the room, rips from the Wolf that has now taken over the body of my Mate. I make an attempt to move, but the pain that shoots from my midriff blurs my vision, and the various needles hooked to my body makes it impossible to move.

I register the deeper and more sinister version of Seneca's voice, a voice that can command a thousand people with the confidence and regality of a Queen, claim something along the lines of "Mine!", before Daemon grabs ahold of her shoulders, trying to rip her off his Mate. It's almost a task unfeasible, because Seneca is a woman on a mission, a mission that might end with the blood of Lenora Isabelle Andrews spilled on the pristine white floors of the hospital room, if someone doesn't stop this right now.

Thankfully, the doctors and nurses choose that moment to file in, followed by a perturbed Ezra, who doesn't hesitate a moment before he jumps into the tangle of limbs on the floor, and my shoulders sag in relief.

She Is My Alpha | Good Boy x Bad Girl |✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon