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Emma still hasn't gotten her notebook back and decides to try one more time. This time she is going to wait outside the gate until everyone leaves home. Once the bell rings, she quickly jogs towards the gate. She slowly stops to a halt when she sees Adrian waiting at the gate as well. She slowly walks up to him.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Hey." He grins.

"I'm Emma and I believe this belongs to you." She says taking out his black notebook out of her backpack. She hands it to him and he takes it in his hands. "You composed some great songs in there." She says.

"Thanks." He says a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you your notebook right now...I accidently left your notebook at my house. Do you want to meet up at Starbucks at 6:30 so that I can give it to you?" He smiles cheekily.

She frowns slightly. "I don't know...", She says teasing him.

"Consider it a meetup." Adrian encourages Emma.

"Sure." Emma laughs and Adrian smiles brightly. They say their goodbyes and Emma swears she heard Adrian say "So it's a date."

A Date! So excited! <3

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