HD ~ Chapter One

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I still have no idea where this will really go. I'm literally winging it and hoping that it comes out somewhat enjoyable. I can tell you right now, the chapters aren't going to be as long as in The False Mate, but hopefully that means they will come out much more often.

Anyway, let's see what's going on with Felicity, huh?



I've been having the dream a lot lately. It's the dead of night and my feet are just pounding against the dead leaves and dirt that covers the forest floor. I wasn't running at first; I was merely walking. Walking seemed to save energy through the night so I could keep going and put more distance between myself and home.

I don't really know why I'm leaving home. There's a bag on my back and my hairs tied back with an elastic. I know why I'm running though. While I was walking, I heard a noise more than just a rustle of leaves in the wind. It was like a deep, dark, throaty sound. It sounded like a wolf's growl, but it also sounded like a chuckle.

When I started running, I didn't look back. My hands clutched the straps of my bag, yet for some reason I wouldn't let it go. Granted, it would've been the smartest thing to do. It'd give me an extra burst of speed. But running through the night while something was chasing me, I couldn't let it go.

Then the most cliche thing in the world happened. I lost my footing on a tree root and tumbled to the ground. In those few seconds I was falling, I had just enough time to twist my body so that when I fell, I skidded to a stop on my side. I quickly turned over onto my stomach ready to push myself off the ground and start running again when a huge mass landed on my back, crushing the air out of my body, and pinning me to the forest floor.

It didn't hurt, but I found myself crying out from the shock of what had happened. I struggled to get up, but the two strong paws held my shoulders and a furry body held the rest of my small body down. I felt the wolf's warm breath on the back of my neck and it's sharp teeth graze my skin. Then there was nothing. I didn't feel anything and blackness would surround me. It was about that time that I'd wake up panting for breath and tangled in my sheets.

I never told my parents about it. Mother was always busy with alpha business and training Alex and Leslie. Dad was helping Mother with alpha business and even if I did tell him, he'd just say to tell Mother. I couldn't tell Mother anything, though. She'd given up on me so most of the time, I didn't talk to her.

I mostly talked to my older brother, Alex. There was a four year age difference between us. He was twenty one now and happily mated to Odette. They were planning on getting married next year. Alex is a different man when he's around her. Before she came into the picture, all he wanted was the be a great alpha like our mother. Now that he's with Odette, you can start to see all that ambition towards that dream leave his eyes.

We talk a lot about it. He'll be sitting backwards on the desk chair in his room while I'll be curled up on his bed. He tells me about his current dreams of being a great husband to Odette and a father to whatever children he'll have in the future. Alex doesn't care for the alpha position anymore. All he wants is a family with his mate. At least five kids like there were in mother's family. I shiver from that thought.

He hasn't told my mom yet, but he's going to tell her soon. I can still hear the two of us talking about it. "You'd be next in line Cee," he'd tell me. "It's your birthright to be alpha if I don't take it. It'd go against a lot if Mom just skipped you and went onto Leslie."

At his words, I'd always end up laughing a humorless laugh. "Yeah, because Mother's never gone against 'a lot'," I'd say. "Are you forgetting how she became alpha? She went against almost every rule in the book. She killed people to make a statement. Do you really think tradition will keep her from offering Leslie the alpha position instead of me despite the fact that she's only thirteen?"

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