HD ~ Chapter Fourteen

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I have to say that I’m pretty amazed at how this book is starting to pick up in votes and reads. Though I know that it doesn’t always get uploaded quickly, I want to say thank you to those who stick with it and those who recently started to read it. I really appreciate it.

Today, I’ve decided to dedicate this chapter to 12BlueSmiles because I really enjoyed her comment on chapter thirteen. I loved to read it and I've even reread it a few times. I like how she understand that I'm not trying to make this book another cliché book where an alpha werewolf kidnaps his mate and forces her to be with him or the pair immediately falls in love, but holds off on sex although "most mates immediately complete the bond upon first meeting." (That redundancy throughout almost every werewolf/mate book on this website kills me every time).

I wanted this novel to be realistic. While werewolves are both wolf and humans, humans rarely fall in love so quickly. Since werewolves are human most of the time, I felt that the "falling in love at first sight/touch" would be incredibly unrealistic. I also wanted to go against that "we're not going to mate right away because we're different" attitude characters have in other books. If two primal characters are feeling the heat of the moment, then by all means go at it. Actual people do it all the time.

Anyway, let’s get on with the next chapter…



 The rest of the day passed by quickly. I took a shower like Cole asked and then went down to have a late lunch with him. I couldn’t help but notice the occasional smiles some of the guys would throw our way. They seemed to be glad that I was no longer giving Cole the cold shoulder. After all, I would be too if Cole sulked in the worst way possible.

Jack told me that while I wasn’t talking to Cole, he would get angry, curse at people for no reason, and even punched Declan in the nose. For some reason Cole tried to blame his best friend when I wouldn’t speak to him. It wasn’t Declan’s fault and I think that Cole and Declan both knew that. Cole just wanted someone to take his anger out on and Declan knew that it wasn’t personal. If he didn’t let Cole use him as a punching bag, then Cole would have done something drastically worse.

I was surprised to see that Declan wasn’t angry, though. I would have never let Cole get away with something like that, but I think Declan felt somewhat guilty. There was something in his eyes that he told me that he knew what was going on between Cole and me. After making out with me in the theater room a few days ago, he probably wanted to make it up to his friend.

After lunch, Cole dragged me around the rest of the house to give me the tour I should’ve gotten when I was first let out, escaped rather, from the bedroom. He took me to the living room, the library, his office, the gaming room, and he pointed out some of the rooms the rest of the guys were staying in.

Once he finished his tour, Cole and I sat down in the game room with a couple of the other guys. While Cole took the chance to dive into a game, I sat with him quietly and listened as he took the time to explain what was happening in the game. Honestly, I didn’t really care about the game at all, but I really appreciated that Cole cared enough to try and tell me what was going on so I wasn’t left out.

We stayed that way until dinner. When it came time for everyone to have dinner, I found that it went a lot smoother than the last dinner I had with the group had gone. Everyone was cheerfully engaging in conversation and though I didn’t sit next to Cole, I saw him shoot me a couple glances every so often. If I’d catch him looking, he’d smile at me before turning his attention elsewhere.

I didn’t completely understand what was going on with him. I didn’t understand what was going on between the two of us either. All I really knew what that we weren’t fighting and things were probably as normal as they would ever be between us. I knew not to question anything else.

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