HD ~ Chapter Eight

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So I just finished Chapter Seven and uploaded it. I'm writing this little blurb so I will be able to continue writing it on my phone whenever I have the chance. That new thing where you can do that on mobile devices is probably my saving grace for writing.

Enough of the boring stuff, though. This chapter in the book ends up leading into quite sexual scene. If you are over eighteen and are interested in the R-Rated portion of this chapter, it will be posted separately. You will be able to find it on my page when it's up.

Other than that, enjoy =]



"And then the older woman comes over and socks Dec right in the mouth," Jack chuckled just as everyone who'd been listening to his story erupted in laughter.

I hated to admit it, but Cole was right. The guys here were pretty amazing. I was having a great time at dinner and try were all so great to me.

Currently, Cole was sitting at the head of the table with Declan to his left and Dustin to his right. I sat next to Declan with Jack on my other side. A guy named Oliver sat across from me and Zach was his left. There were some more guys down the table, but is forgotten most of their names and they were engaged in their own conversations.

Before we started eating, Dustin had apologized to me like Cole said he would. I accepted his apology without a doubt. Dustin was actually a pretty charming guy. He might be packed of muscle, but he was really sweet and had an adorable blush when the guys teased him for his sincere apology.

Jack had sandy blonde hair with these amazing deep brown eyes. He was incredibly funny and you can tell that he simply just loved life. I liked being around him even though he was kind of touchy-feely. Right when Cole introduced us, he just grabbed me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

Oliver was one of the youngest in the group, but he was such a flirt. He's seventeen as I am and I can't help but think that he doesn't belong here. There's no way he could have a vendetta against my mother like the rest of these men so I'm left with the thought that he was just a runaway looking for a place to fit in.

He had light brown hair with piercing blue eyes and if I was a silly, little high school girl, I'd probably be totally in love with him.

Lastly, there was Zach. He barely spoken two words to me all night. According to Jack, he didn't talk too much. Yet, for me, that just added to the mystery. He had dark brown, almost black hair with these hazel eyes. Throughout dinner, he listened quietly and laughed lightly when everyone else did. I got the feeling that he was sweet, but cautious most of the time.

Though, who was I to know? All of these guys had personalities and memories and relationships with the people around them. They were completely normal, but because they had it out for my mother, I was taught that they were monsters. I just needed to figure out why this was happening.

That thought started to run wild. Maybe I could figure it out. When I knew why, maybe I could find a way to stop this. The hate and the fighting wasn't going to benefit anyone. If I could convince these men that this wasn't worth it, I could save my family and my pack.

But did they deserve it? Most of the people at home never treated me like I was one of them. I shouldn't feel obligated to help them, but I still did. And I didn't understand why.

"You're up Felicity," Declan said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head as if to clear it. "Excuse me?" I asked confused.

Oliver rolled his eyes at my daydreaming. "We're going around saying the craziest things we've ever done. It's your turn."

A light blush spread across my face as I looked down at my plate and aimlessly moved around pieces of the lasagna. "I've never really done anything that could be qualified as 'crazy'," I admitted. "I'm not much of a wild child."

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