HD ~ Chapter Six

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So I just finished chapter six and it is the last day of my vacation. I have yet to upload it because although I have my laptop with me, there is no wifi connection. The bright side being that I can type, though.

Any who, school is going to start back up again soon and who knows what my schedule will be like? The next two weeks are going to take up a lot of my time that's for sure, though, so I'll apologize in advance.

Let's get onto the story, though.



"She may be the strangest and most insanely weird out of the group, but she's definitely my favorite," I decided as I watched the basket case make her lunch in The Breakfast Club. I loved eighties movies. Usually, I'd watch them with my brother as it was something we got into together. Yet, when Declan suggested we'd watch a movie, I thought that maybe watching one would make me feel more comfortable with everything.

Declan and I sat in the group's big home theater. The room must've been at least three times the size of my room. It had a gigantic screen with an overhead projector with a few rows of the most comfortable movie seats I've ever had the chance to sit in. In addition to that, there was also a popcorn machine, candy bar, and soda machine towards the back of the theater.

All in all, despite my situation, I was having a great time. It made it a lot better knowing that Declan was so easy to talk to and had the ability to make me laugh so hard I cried. Being around him was as esay as breathing. I'd never been able to say that about anyone. Not even Alex sometimes.

Declan laughed in response to my statement. He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms out behind him before letting one drop over the back of the seat to his left and the other fall onto my shoulder. Much to my surprise, I didn't tense. I just looked at him quizzically.

He seemed to notice and for a moment, he pulled his attention away from Bender and Brian on the screen. He returned my expression except his mouth slipped into a mischievous smile. "There a problem?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow and looked towards his arm. He followed my gaze and chuckled before tightening his grip around my shoulders and pulling me to his side. I gasped as I watched the space between us grow smaller. I looked up with a frown on my face. "What are you-" I stared to say and then swallowed the rest of my words when I realized how close our faces were. "Oh," I breathed out softly.

In that moment, time seemed to slow down. Declan's peculiar golden eyes stared right into mine before flickering down to my lips. The action was foreign to me.

None of the guys back home had ever shown much of an interest to me. If they had, it was either to get closer to my brother or to be in my mother's good graces. Being so close to Declan now surprised me. He, like Cole, seemed to despise my family. Did that mean he wanted to kiss me just because he liked me?

He barely knew me and I barely knew him. Yet, I somewhat understood. I've only started getting to know Declan, but it feels like we've known each other a lot longer. I was supposed to be a prisoner in this house full of rebels. Yet with Declan here, I didn't feel that way and I found myself glancing down at his lips in return.

A few more seconds ticked by before Declan leaned in the rest of the way and kissed me. His lips were soft and warm. It took me a moment to respond. When I did, I was tentative at first before I let his lips lead mine. One of his hands was placed softly on my waist and showed no signs of moving. His other hand gently cupped the back of my head to tilt it back slightly.

I could just imagine what my mother would say to me right now. She'd be absolutely furious to find that I was making out with one of the rebels that was fighting against her. More than that, I was enjoying it. That thought, combined with the warm feeling that was spreading through me urged me to continue with this kiss.

I moved my hands to thread them threw his light brown hair before sliding them down his neck and to his shoulders. The knowledge that this was only my first real kiss didn't do anything to stop me from wanting to deepen it. The thing that did stop me was a low, but deadly growl that sounded from the doorway.

Gasping, I pulled back only to meet Cole's furious gaze. My hand flew to my lips and he turned to Declan looking murderous. "What the fuck is going on?" He didn't yell. I may have felt better if he had. Instead, he said is in slow, angry way.

"I-I," I began, but couldn't seem to find the words to explain. I just sat in the seat trying to make myself seem as small as I possible could. I didn't dare look at Declan either, fearing that it would only make Cole that much angrier.

"Wait for me outside," he snapped at me and I scrambled out of my seat.

Without looking back, I ran out of the room and closed the door behind me. I could hear Cole talking lowly, but angrily to Declan. I only caught a few words, but could tell they were threats. Whether they were empty threats or not, I couldn't tell. Though judging by his tone, I bet they weren't. I just didn't understand why it mattered much.

It wasn't until I heard his footsteps coming towards the door, that I realized Cole sending me out of the room could've given me an opportunity to get out of here. Taking whatever chance I could've had left, I turned and started to run down the hall.

I'd only gotten to the end of the hall when I heard him shout out, "Hey!" He started chasing after me just as I turned the corner. I'd managed to push my feet faster, but could hear him coming after me. "Damn it, Felicity!" he roared.

My breath was coming in short pants as I raced down hallways, looking for a way out of this house. I passed numerous doors and many dumbfounded men as I sprinted passed. I could hear Cole behind me shoving them out of his way roughly and mentally thanked them for slowing him down.

Soon enough, I managed to find a staircase and took the steps two at a time before reaching for the front door. Yet, just before I managed to wrench the door handle open, a hand reached around my upper arm and pushed me roughly against the wall. "What the hell?" Cole growled angrily at me.

I just stared up with wide eyes to find that his had darkened immensely. "What were you thinking?" he yelled at me. I closed my eyes, let out a strangled cry, and tried to get out of his grasp. He just grabbed both of my forearms in a steel tight grip before slamming me back against the door. "Enough!" he snapped.

"I just want to go home!" I said quietly, trying to blink back the tears that were quickly filling my eyes.

"You want to go home?" Cole asked with mocking disbelief. "Why? Isn't Clarity breeding her daughter to become the new female alpha powerhouse? What significance could you being there actually have? What do they actually have to offer you?"

Cole was asking all the questions that had been floating around in my head for the past few days. My mother was breeding her daughter to become a leader. Only I wasn't the daughter. It was Leslie.

So what would my return actually bring to my family? I couldn't answer that question. I didn't want to answer that question. "They're my family," I answered softly just as the tears started to spill over.

"Family's not always the better choice, Felicity," Cole ground out. "Don't you understand that they just want you back to show the strength of their pack? They want to let the world know that no one can take from Clarity Ordain and get away with it. How could you not understand that you mean nothing to these people," he asked incredulously as he released my arms.

His words were sharp and left an awful sting. Could he possibly be right? It didn't seem that far fetched. My mother had barely given me the time of day after I turned thirteen. There was this ever present feeling of tension around when I entered a room with them. Few people actually went out of their way to get to know me.

"Fine!" I snapped back, wiping my face roughly. "But I don't want to be a pawn in your twisted game. If you want to go to war with my pack and my family, then leave me out of it." I brushed passed him without another word.

Knowing it would be futile to escape, I headed up the stairs, trying to will myself to stop crying. I didn't spare a glance at the men I passed. All I did was keep my eyes trained forward as I made my way back towards the room I was staying in.

The room was empty and cold as I entered. Though, come to think of it, I shouldn't have expected anything less. This was not only the house of my captors, but it was also a house without any female presence. The only time I actually felt comfortable was when I was with Declan. That was probably over now anyway.

I still don't know why I kissed him. Maybe it was just some heat of the moment thing. We were alone, watching a movie, and no one was around. He was a guy that actually seemed to care. A lot more than Cole did that was for sure.

Part of me could understand why Cole didn't want me to kiss Declan. Yet, another part of me was confused. He said he didn't want me to get harmed and I understood that. But what's wrong with kissing a guy in his rebel group?

Did he think that Declan could possibly have feelings for me and that would screw up his goal in defeating my family? Or was I just reading too far into a small situation?

What did it even matter? I was stuck here until my family either gave Cole what he wanted or decided to rescue me. If they decided I was worth rescuing. My mother could use this to make a statement. She was dedicated to the pack and as much as it would pain her, one life would not mean more than that of a whole pack.

Once again, she'd be heroic when really she would just be paying a small price to get rid of a large burden.

I locked the door behind me and took a few steps until I reached the bed in the middle of the room. It was soft, but it was cold as I lay down on it. I couldn't actually remember that last time I felt warm.

My life, while I've had every material thing I could ever want, was emptier than most people realized it. The only problem up until now was that I cared that my mother favored my siblings over me. Why can't I just stop caring? I'm sure my life would be a lot better if I just didn't care. Look at Cole. He probably didn't give a rat's ass about any of these guys or whether or not he defeated my family. He probably just only wanted the fight because it gave him something to do. Having men following him probably just boosted his ego.

Still, whether or not I stopped caring about my mother's opinion about me, it's not like it would matter. I was stuck here away from her. She wouldn't be monitoring everything I did or judging everything I said. For as long as I was here, it was like I was free from her chains. That thought alone haunted me as I fell asleep.


A few hours later, some brisk knocking woke me up. I took in a deep breath through my nose and sat up against the head board. My head felt foggy and my mouth had a dry feeling in my throat. I cleared my throat to tell the person at the door to come in, but they were already twisting the handle to try and come in.

Of course, I'd locked the door. "Just a minute," I called out as I crawled out of the bed and padded towards the door. Quickly, I unlocked the door and wrenched it open only to find Cole leaning against the door jamb with his hands in his pocket. I narrowed my eyes at him and went to close the door, but he caught it just before I could slam it shut.

"Oh c'mon, Felicity," he said as he barged into the room. I stepped back as I watched him walk in through narrowed eyes. I didn't say anything as he walked towards the bed and sat down facing mean while leaning his elbows on his knees. "You can't possibly be irritated with me?"

I gave him a disbelieving look. Hell yes, I could. I shook my head and walked towards the window seat behind him. Cole could sit here and try to talk to me all he wanted, but that didn't mean I'd listen and it definitely didn't mean that I would respond to whatever he had to say. I was beginning to think that the best way to deal with him was to not give him the time of day. Why should I anyway? I was his prisoner. His pawn in the game against my family.

"Okay, well maybe you can," Cole mumbled more for his own purpose than mine. "But it's not like I'm making any of it up, am I? I'm right and you know it!"

This made me angry. He was talking in circles and he didn't even realize it!

"Fine, then tell me the truth," I snapped at him. "If you know that I mean that little to my family, then why the hell did you save me that night?" I asked, trying and failing to keep my voice in a calm tone. I felt more rage than I'd ever felt before.

"You say that I have to be in 'perfect condition' for you to give me back to my family, but for what reason? You and I both know that that's not true. You can torture me all you like and it wouldn't matter what state I'm in as long as I'm given back to Clarity alive," I argued.

After I was finished with my rant, Cole was just staring at me almost dumbfounded. It was like he hadn't expected me to figure that out. Or in the very least, he didn't expect me to blow up like that. Truth be told, I didn't expect that of myself either.

"I don't want you to have any ties to my men," Cole replied simply.

"What?" I asked him. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Cole stood up and ran a hand through his hair before pinching he bridge of his nose. "You were fucking making out with my best friend when I walked into the room," he explained slowly. "Declan is the one who brought you here. He's the reason you're our bait, yet when it comes to him, everything can be thrown out the window. That's not supposed to happen."

I didn't understand what Cole was trying to get at, but I found myself on the defensive. "He treats me like a person that is capable of being cared for. But why am I even explaining myself to you?" I asked, glaring at him. 

All Cole's done was order me around and make me feel like I'm not worth two cents. Now all of the sudden he cares about who I'm with? It didn't work like that. He wasn't responsible for me. This is my life and I should be able to chose what happens to me and who I get to make out with.

Declan makes me feel like a better person. I like being around him. I didn't think that was a crime and I'm sure Declan surely didn't have a problem with it. He seemed to be enjoying my company just as much as I was enjoying his. Plus, he understood me. Right off the bat, he was able to uncover who I really was. It was unnatural, but felt almost as it made sense. 

"I saved you and all of the sudden that means nothing?"

I snorted and got up from my position on the window seat. He watched me carefully as I passed him and got to the door. "I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to create any ties with any of you," I retorted as I opened the door and gestured for him to leave. "It's what you want right?"

Cole just stared at me with that same dumbfounded expression. How could he not expect me to throw this all back into his face? I wasn't stupid enough to pass up such a golden opportunity. I didn't want him to not let me see Declan anymore. This may be one of my only chances to actual form some kind of real friendship or even more. 

He sighed and shook his head as he moved towards the door, obviously done with this battle. Just before he left the room, Cole stopped in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I...I saved you because  I heard you calling," he said softly. Then he was gone.

I shut the door behind me and let out a big sigh. My feet dragged towards the bed and I flopped down on my stomach before burying my face in the pillow and letting out a scream. I hated this. I wanted my life to be normal for once. I just wanted to have a simple family with friends that care and I want to date guys that are my own age. 

I don't want to be stuck in a mansion where a rebel group is plotting to take down my mother. Especially not when the leader of this rebellion confuses me to no end. His answer didn't even make sense. He heard me calling? So what? Why should that even make a difference? He's probably heard every female prisoner he's ever had calling for help. He's probably paid absolutely no attention to them either. 

It was then where something clicked. I gasped and sat up in the bed as I looked towards the door. I hadn't screamed that night Trey was going to rape me. I hadn't called out at all. I cried and whimpered, but I never screamed. Then how could Cole have heard me calling?


Alright, so sorry that took such a long time. I wasn't planning on it taking so long, but school started and classes were more challenging than I expected.

Anyway, I thought this may be a nice Christmas present for those of you who read this book and celebrate Christmas. 

So who does everyone like better so far?

Cole or Declan?

I'm very interested to hear everyone's thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

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