chapter 3

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Picture of Tyler

By the the time lunch rolled in, I was feeling really awkward.

Hunter kept glancing at me every time I was near him.

He even looked at me while he was making out with one of the school sluts. GROSS!!

Anyway, Tyler was in the lunch line buying lunch for us both which I'm really thankful for because I'm not in the mood to be in that line. One word... chaos.

I was sitting by myself waiting for Tyler ,when all of a sudden I heard someone sit beside me.

I looked up to see a smirking Hunter, then I looked to the front of me to see his 'crew', Carl, Stephan and Caleb .

"Why hello mih lady" Hunter greeted in a British accent.

I just rolled my eyes and sat up to walk off when I felt someone snatch my wrist and pull me back down.

People were starting to stare which was making me really uncomfortable.

"What the hell is your problem? Its only the first day back at school and you only acknowledged me just this morning and now you're staring at me hole day and on top of that you can't seem to leave me alone." I whisper yelled.

As realisation hit me, my eyes widen because I realised the way I had talked to Hunter.

Him and his friends just looked at me a little taken aback but Hunter quickly switched his expression to a blank one.

"Listen sweetheart... And listen well. I will not just stand here and let you talk to me however you want. I will teach you a lesson, and believe me, it will be a lesson you will never forget." Hunter snapped as he glared at me.

People were definitely staring now.

I went to open my mouth but Tyler beat me to it.

I was grateful though, cause if I did open my mouth, I would definitely get myself into deeper shit than I was already in.

"Ummm, what's going on here?" Tyler asked walking up to me and the group of devils.

Tyler looked worried so I quickly gave him a reassuring, but pleading smile.

He quickly put the lunch that I no longer wanted down, then came up to help me get away from Hunter and his glare.

He hasn't removes his eyes from me since he started talking.

Tyler grabbed me up and we both bolted out of the cafeteria and headed straight for the libraray.

When we got in I had calmed down so I just started to explain what happened in the cafe, assuming I wouldn't have had a choice with whether I wanted to tell him or not.


Since my little incident at lunch with Hunter and his crew, I have been trying my best to avoid them.

The bell had rung signalling everyone that it was time to get out of this hell hole and go home.

I got my books from my locker and left, going straight to where Tylor's car is at.

I stood there waiting on him cause he was talking to a girl he claimed he liked.

My little Tyler is growing up. BOOHOO

While standing there being lonely, I saw Hunter, Carl, Stephan and Ray.

I groaned throwing my arms in the air and mentally cursing .

Him an his crew were smirking, for what reason I don't know.

I really hope that Tyler finishes whatever he is doing now.

I watched as the devils walked up to me.

What the hell do they want now?!

I asked myself in my head and not out loud to earn anything worse than Hunter's presence.



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