Chapter One

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Like Totally

New Author's Note (August 6, 2019): Hey guys! As you know, Like Totally was written about 5-6 years ago. That was when I was a sophomore in high school. I'm now a senior in college.  I keep up with the activity of Like Totally throughout the day. Meaning I see all comments, votes, etc. I'm only addressing this because lately I've been seeing a lot of comments that bash me as an author for how I chose to portray Adrian and the endless slut shaming. I'm well aware of the slut shaming. I hate how I focused on it just as much as you. Also, there are some characteristics of Adrian that I would probably change today. The fact is I wrote this with the knowledge of complete cliche, high school, fruity, tooty bullshit. That is not the writer I am now. I have experienced an immense amount of growth since then. I apologize if my writing seems shallow with this story and makes you upset. However, this story won't get revised in any sort of way. I think it's important to keep it how it is because it's a reminder for me of where I started - writing errors and all. That's all I wanted to speak on. Again, I apologize for the mess. 

Enjoy, Like Totally! xo'

- Korrie 


Hello! I hope you enjoy this first chapter. Please tell me what you think! I did read over it but there may be a few errors or more, I get distracted =P

If there is any errors then please tell me in comments and I'll fix it ASAP! Anyways thanks in advance and happy readingggggg :D xxx



        Mondays suck, I thought to myself as I smashed the buttons on my alarm clock. It was seven in the morning. That meant it was time for school. Ugh! Mondays sucked.

        Like, totally sucked.

        As much as I wanted to rest my lazy bones in bed a little longer, I wasn't such a morning person. I knew my Mom would come marching up the stairs and yell at me so loudly that I would probably jump out of my bedroom window.

        Sighing deeply, I got my butt out of bed, walked into my bathroom and quickly got into the shower as soon as I was stripped of my clothes. The morning air in this house was such a bitch.         

        "It helps with my congestion!" Mom always said. She always has such a poor immune system in the fall because of all the allergens floating around in the air. She's the only one I know that carries two hand sanitizer dispensers in her purse. The large ones! Not the cute, accessorized mini ones that looks 'totes adorbs' on the handle of a purse.

        I stayed under the scorching hot water of my showerhead for an extra two minutes to wake myself up. The last thing I needed was to fall out of the shower due to excess sleep crust in my eyes...again. When I was satisfied that I could walk out of the shower without falling, I stepped out and wrapped my dripping body into a plush blue towel and pranced off to my closet to get dressed.

        I attend North Lakeview High School, "Home of the Eagles!" , where I'm a month into my junior year and just impatiently waiting for graduation to roll around. At North Lakeview I'm not the shy, awkward girl that would wear baggy clothes and hides her face. No, I'm just a normal teenager that hangs around with her two best friends, trying to make it day by day.

        My school attire was pretty simple. It was the start of fall and that meant I could wear a few layers of clothes and get away with it because it was cooler out now. I picked out a pair of white skinny jeans that somewhat helped show off my figure, a grey tank top with a blue jean button down shirt on top that I left unbuttoned, and grey ankle boots. My brown hair was already pre-prepped from washing it last night so I just brushed it a bit here and there. Makeup for me only consisted of mascara, lip-gloss and eyeliner.

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