Epilogue (Part One)

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"And I hate it..."

Song: Hate That I Love You

Artist: Rihanna and NeYo

The final chapter of Like Totally is presented. It's been a journey, laughers.

Good Reading for the last time...

EPILOGUE (Part One):

Three Years Later:


"Let's just lay it all out on the table, Knight!" I yelled.

His face was red from yelling, and his jaw clenched from the way I just took control of the whole situation. We were reaching our boiling point now and everything just had to be let out into open air. The stupid fights and the devil-controlled attitudes couldn't go on for much longer. I couldn't go on like this for much longer. I knew that the end were coming. I just wished it had some sort of warning.

"How did it get like this?" I cried. Tears began rolling down my cheeks now as I fell onto the couch in our apartment. "How in the hell did we get like this?" I didn't want to cry because crying showed that he broke me and I didn't want him to know that he broke me. Even though I am in love with him, I still wanted to be that stubborn girl four years ago. The one that put everyone through tough shit and didn't want anyone to do anything for her.

"If it's going to be like this then I can't do it anymore, Colton." My head was in my hands, as I shook it back and forth. Slowly losing my mind. "We can't go on like this. These stupid fights that just turn into these big messes... I can't do this anymore."

I didn't bother to look up when I spoke those inevitable words. Mainly because I didn't want to see the emotion that he could possibly be showcasing. Whether he were hurt or ecstatic; I didn't want to see it. God, I didn't even want to think about the possibility of us breaking up but sometimes you just have to do what's best for you. Even if it means hurting the people that you deeply care about. He should understand though. It was bound to happen.

"Adrianna...," He whispered.

I still didn't bother to look up from my hands and he didn't try to pry them off of my face. Instead, I heard the shuffling of what sounded like cd's being filed through and then the opening of a case. Is he doing what I think he's doing? He just may be...

The sound of Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Ne-Yo began playing through the stereo system and I couldn't help the small frown come upon my lips. Now isn't the time to bring up moments of the past. We're here at our breaking point and he decides that now is the good time to play music? But it's your song! It doesn't matter. After today it won't be our song anymore.

That's how much I love you
 That's how much I need you
 And I can't stand you

"I know you remember, Princess. You remember everything."

"How come I've never seen you around, Princess," He asked, casually. Princess! I wonder how many times he used that nickname on a girl.

"I try to stay out of the mating calls of asses like you," I snorted out and tried to sidestep my way around him but was just blocked by his very well built body. "Problem?"

Must everything you do make me wanna smile
 Can I not like you for awhile?

"Say something funny," I blurted out. Colton looked at me confused and shook his head.

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