Chapter Fifty-One

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"Just call my name and I'll be there..."

Song: I'll Be There

Artist: Jackson 5

I could've just continued in Like Totally instead of making Like Totally 2 because it's just a continuation of the story ......... but it builds suspense.

I can be complicated. That's just me.

Donkey balls.

Happy Reading!




I want to feel nothing.

The pain feels like it's all around me. I don't like this. I would much rather feel nothing. No emotions. No pain. No problems. They're kind of the reason why I'm waking up to this situation right now, huh? I'm right. I know I'm right. Even when I'm wrong. I'll still say I'm right because that's how difficult I can become.

When I reached for the mask that was cupped to my face a warm hand lightly smacked my own away from the irritating device. I knew that it was an oxygen mask. It's irritating me, though. I just wanted to breathe on my fucking own. There was no need for the extra mile. I'm alive. Aren't I?

Being the annoying person that I knew I could be; I reached to take the oxygen mask off again. The same thing happened though. My hand was lightly smacked away. It limply fell down to my sides. I no longer had the energy to carry on anymore. That meant that the mask would just have to stay at the moment.

"I think she's waking up." I heard a deep voice speak. That's the voice that could instantly send chills down my body without even speaking a word or warm me up. Whichever one my body preferred. Colton. He's here.

My eyes felt like they were glued shut. Seriously, they didn't want to open. I know how these things go though. I've seen plenty of medical shows to know that this was going to be one of the tough parts. To come back to the world and have no recollection or thought of what I had just endured. I don't know how it exactly worked and all.

Somehow, someway, I remember. Is it even possible to remember what happened so well? Normally, when people wake up they have to be told what had happened to them. That won't be me, though since I remember what had happened to me.

"Adrianna, sweetheart." Her voice. My mom. She's here too. I wonder who all is in this room with her and Colton. "Open your eyes. Please. Just open your eyes."

If only I could have some Harry Potter type of wizard crap or something to make this 'opening your eyes' thing easier. The actors and actresses make it look so easy in the movies. Well ... they are movies? And you ... well ... are annoying! I know exactly what the hell they are but still. They make it look easy.

How about I just solely concentrate on the task at hand ... or eye? Get it? I'm trying to open my eyes and that's the task? The task isn't at my hand. It's at my eye. You get it. I know you get it. You just don't want to show that you get it. I understand, though. The joke completely sucked ass anyways.

The pain was evident in my body. I could feel it. Mainly, it was focused on my head. I remember bumping it multiple times as the car rolled. The feeling of me remembering that makes me not want to open my eyes at all. It was peaceful just being able to sleep.

Sadly, I can't sleep anymore. Only because I'm no longer tired. That means that I actually do have to wake up now.

My eyes squinted tightly before I managed to crack them open. All I saw was white. Oh god! I'm dead! I've been tricked into opening my eyes and now I'm freaking dead!

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