Chapter Thirty-Four

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"When you said it was over, you shot right through my heart..."

Song: Beware

Artist: Big Sean

What it do man' it's the Laugher girl Korrie! You know I used to go around telling people to call me K Murder whenever I rapped a song? Ahh, it never lasted...

New Update is here (In my Pauly D, Cabs are here voice)

Happy Readings!!!!



What I was feeling right now was indescribable. The emotions inside me were so raw from the news I received this morning about my dad. I thought that I would just waste the rest of my life away crying endless tears but no, I wouldn't.

Colton gave me something else to cry about now. He told me he loved me --- no wait! Scratch that! He told me that he was in love with me. There's a huge difference between the two, I promise you. The thing is, when I heard him confess that to me with so much strength, I was baffled.

Baffled in a good way though. I actually felt kind of bad. It's the girl's job to confess her feelings for the other first and see if they say it back, right? Not in our case. Colton has been the one saying everything first. He told me he liked me first, and now he was telling me he was in love with me first.

Am I supposed to feel like such a loser right now? A loser stuck in amazement. He did something that I didn't think would be possible for me. Colton got me to stop crying and tell him what was going on just like that. He even managed to get a few laughs and smiles out of me. He was my savior.

He was perfect. Who knew that Colton Knight --- The King --- would be everything that I, Adrianna Pike, needed in a guy. I swear when we first met I hated this boy with a passion. He annoyed me to the ends of earth and he made me want to walk into a brick wall all the time. But then he grew on me.

The stupid antics we encountered together had me falling in love with him everyday. I just didn't realize until he skipped riding the bus to the bash to be with me. The mess that doesn't even know who her real father is. Pitiful? I know.

He needed me just like I needed him. We wanted to both need each other. Now we have each other and the last thing I want to do is screw anything up. If we were going to do this then we needed to give it our all. I wanted a relationship with Colton Knight. Hell! I wanted this relationship to be my last relationship.

What relationship? You're still sitting here silent as a mouse!

Oh shit! I was wasn't I? Colton was probably freaking out inside but his slightly hopeful facial expression was trying to create a different façade.

"I'm in love with you too," I confessed with a dragon burning in my stomach. Allowing my skin to be set on fire when Colton immediately brought his head forward and our lips met for a long, honest kiss. The kiss proved that we were both serious about one another, no lies told just now. This kiss sealed the deal, our fate for one another.

The kiss carried on me a few more seconds until he pulled away. I opened my eyes and met his once again. "I've wanted to say that for a while now." A smile broke out onto my lips, and that earned him the joy of getting his hand squeezed a bit harder with mine. 

"Why didn't you?" I asked. Colton chuckled a bit, he accompanied  that laugh with a small shrug of his shoulders. The blush now becoming visible on his cheeks was making this all too real for me. What just happened now was not a dream at all. Even if I pinched myself, I would still be caught in this moment.

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