Chapter | 3

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It was one of those perfect spring nights. The warm temperature had come in a little early but made sitting outside easy and along with Paul's brother, his girlfriend and their three year old daughter the group laughed along as if they had all been friends for years, which apart from Jack was the case.

"I can't believe you gave birth what four days ago?" Helen put down the bottle of wine on the table, smiling at Carla.

"Trust me, it's amazing what make up does" She laughed, earning a joined mumble of disbelief being sent in her direction.

 "Lies. I looked and felt like absolute shit for about I don't know, three years and two months after having Heidi" Helen glanced towards her daughter who sat leaning against Nancy on the deck coloring.

"You both make being Mums look fabulous" Emily piped up and the brothers managed to reach over and kiss their partners at the same time earning a gagging sound to leave Emily and they all laughed.

"She is just such a good baby; she has her own sleep routine already sorted so adjusting hasn't been hard" Carla glowed talking about her daughter as Emily's phone rang. 

"Excuse me" Getting up she took her phone from the table and headed inside, "Hey Babe" The familiar voice of Greg greeted her, albeit a little drunkenly as a round of laughter from outside erupted, most likely a joke about Greg that she wasn't privy to hear.

 "Hey yourself sexy girl. Watcha doing?" He asked curiously. He rarely rang when he was away so she was touched at the fact he was making the effort. Before he left they had argued on the fact he treated her like she didn't exist while he was away, only phoning to get her to do things like some kind of slave.

"At Carla's. Did you get the pictures of Anna I sent through?" She asked excited. A groan responded on the other end.

"Yeah. You know you shouldn't spend so much time at their place. It's weird" Slowly Emily's smile faded and biting her lip she sat down on the sofa.

"It's not; she is like a sister to me G, why say things like that?" Why did he have to act like such a jerk? He never used to be like that, it was only after his last promotion at the start of the year he started acting so cruel towards her. More than once he had bought her to tears and she had no idea why she let him get under her skin or what she had done to deserve it.

"Because someone had to, Emmy, babe, don't get upset. I didn't mean it like that. She has her own new life and a baby now. You have to let go of the past to move forward" Shaking her head she put it down him being drunk and just wished he hadn't had to have this conversation with her now. 

"How's work?" Emily changed the subject and Greg started to tell her about Singapore and some other things about the stock market she didn't understand or want to know about and glanced back towards the group gathered outside. Did she belong here? Was he right?

"Emmy?" Greg's question snapped her out of her daydream.


"I love you" Laughing sounded in the background and he shushed them.

"I love you too" After saying goodbye she didn't hurry back out to her friends. Was it weird?

"Are you ok?" Carla came inside and sat down besides her, stroking the red hair away from her face gently. Nodding Emily shook her head. "Did he say something?" Instantly she became protective, she wouldn't hesitate in stepping into Emily's business despite being told not to by Paul. 

"Is it weird we're still best friends? I mean, you have your life and here I am" Carla was quick to hold up her hand to shut her up.

 "Even if you didn't want me around, I wouldn't go away Em. I know he must've said something to you to have you thinking that way but don't listen. You're the most amazing person I know, without you being here I wouldn't have any of this. Paul wanted me to wait till we're alone, but will you be Anna's god mother?" Emily's arms were around Carla in a flash and both started to cry. 

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