Got His Girl

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Carla pulled up outside of Emily's place and at seeing Jack emerge looking more than pleased with himself she had to laugh. "Hey stranger"

"Hey Carla. How are you? Happy New Year" Jack hugged Carla as Emily came out.

"To you too! I'm good. I don't think I need to ask you how you are. Back a little early aren't you?" Emily wrapped her arms around Jacks waist and knew this was how it was meant to be.

"Missed this one too much" Both girls made a gagging sound which had them all laughing. The sun was already making the temperature rise; once again the temperature was hitting the forty mark. "Didn't miss this heat though, a few days away and its hell to come back to"

"Hey what are you guys doing tonight? Jack has to go into work and afterwards we're going out for dinner with his brother. Josh was keen, wanna tag along?" Jack kissed Emily's cheek as his Aunty pulled up, waving to the trio.

"I'll see you tonight ok? Bye girls" Jack disappeared down the street with his Aunty and the girls headed inside out of the heat.

"Paul's sick, I thought he was still hung over from New Year's but it's worse than I thought" Carla headed straight to the pups as Emily went to make coffee.

"Man flu?"

"Yup! Oh I need them all, I want a puppy" Carla gushed, picking up the completely yellow lab looking one.

"Well come out then, he can look after Anna?"

"My thoughts exactly! Gosh, two Davies boys – if he is anything like Jack, Perth is in trouble" They laughed but from what Emily could work out he was definitely not like his brother. "Did you tell him about your new bakery?"

"Not yet, we were a little busy last night and he's busy today. I'll wait till later"

"Oh right, how you feeling this morning then?"

"Perfectly amazing!" Emily was practically glowing and Carla couldn't have been happier for her. She had known Emily for a long time and had never seen her like this. Out all the people she knew, Emily was the one who just kept giving everyone her all and never asked or expected anything back. She had held her family and Carla together after Scott died, had been putting up with Greg for so long and finally the universe was giving her something when she needed it. Ever since the first time she met Jack she knew he was going to change her life and he had in all the ways she could possible wish for.

"Why are you crying?" Emily stopped making the coffee as Carla put down the puppy to wipe her eyes. Emily was at her side in a second, passing her a tissue as she rested her hand on Carla's shoulder.

"I am just so happy for you" Emily laughed and gave her a hug. "No really Em, you deserve the happy ending"

"Everyone does Lala, god you've been emotional lately. You're not pregnant again are you?"

"No! Shut up. I take it back" Carla teased, moving to the kitchen as Emily finished making their drinks.

"You love me" Emily poked her tongue out and handed over the cup.

"You know we do, all of us do"

"Everyone is so sookie lately, I blame you girl" The dog sat on the tiles beside her new owner, looking innocent as to what she was being blamed for.

"Come up to my office babe, I just need to finish this report for Monday. Stephen, Josh and Gemma are here and they bought Rani along and some others I don't know" Jack was so glad Emily had phoned to tell him she was outside. They were meant to be meeting at five but of course, his Dad had put in the request for something to be done immediately.

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